Thanks for explaining that, Greg.  That was the point I was trying to make by 
suggesting a pressure mapping.  For me, even a small change in my Roho can 
cause a sore and if it's not corrected, the sore/shear just won't heal.  I wish 
someone who is creative could design a pressure gauge for Rohos.  That way you 
could know your number and could monitor the cushion to maintain your optimal 


On Sunday, November 2, 2014 10:05 PM, greg <> wrote:

I have been pressure mapped a few times. It helps find the perfect amount of 
air to use, or how far you need to recline for best relief. But I got mapped on 
a few different Roho cushions. I found there were a few Rohos that did not give 
me good pressure relief. Different Rohos change your posture, etc. I really 
wanted the Roho that has the foam sides that keep your legs straight. But it 
just didn't work for me. Also, you can make changes to your chair's back or 
legrests and it changes your posture. Good to make those changes then get 
mapped. After I added Lateral supports it totally changed my mapping. I had to 
be careful to make sure I didn't move the pressure to where I had my previous 
sore. Greg

> Nan, I don't understand...if they do a pressure mapping, then what
> happens or what can be changed then?? I use Roho going on 18 years
> now. thank you Dan H**
> On Sunday, November 2, 2014 12:06 PM, Nan <>
> wrote:
> Bobbie,
> Do you use a Roho?
> I do and I've found that they lose air after a while.  This causes
> me to get sores - I've been
> sitting for so long my skin is incredibly fragile.  What I've
> learned is that when this happens, I need another pressure mapping.
>  Sometimes I have to fight to get one, but once I get it I can heal
> sores while in my chair.  Sometimes I have to recline for a week or
> so - watch TV, listen to music ... but once a sore starts to heal,
> I can start living again.
> Have you had a pressure mapping recently?
> Nan
> On Saturday, November 1, 2014 10:35 PM, Gmail
> <> wrote:
> I try to recline once an hour ... if I remember. I love to paint,
> and to put my brush down to recline takes the away the flow. And
> when I'm reading I would need to recline every chapter.
> I'm only up 7-8 hours and up one day then in 2-3 days for
> prevention. November 7th I have an appointment to see a wound
> Doctor because I have a very small area stage 1 or less. I'm using
> DuoDerm extra thin.
> But to tell you the truth, I'm sick and tired of needing to deal
> with all this shit. Bobbie
> Smile Everyday
>> On Nov 1, 2014, at 9:00 PM, greg <> wrote:
>> How
> often do you recline your chair?
>> I try to do it at leased every hour. I also am moving around a
>> bit, bending
> forward a bit to read, etc.
>> I doubt when I lean forward or sideways a bit, it is enough to
>> move the pressure on my butt.
>> After my bad pressure sore, I try to recline more often, but when
>> I get into a good book, or am playing cribbage online on my
>> Kindle, I can forget. I often have gone many hours without
>> reclining.
>> Greg

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