well, got back from a college reunion a week ago and looked back on what the 
airlines can do
to a power 'chair.i use a Braun Triwheeler (like the one Ralph Braun used) and
left Chicago and the device worked perfectly. Got to Phoenix and somehow the
gorillas in baggage tried to plug the batteries into the charging jack they 
blew a fuse in the controller. Now who/where am i to go to get this dinosaur 
fixed???? They even offered to fly my backup device to take the place of the 
broken one. Well the accessible van rental co. (Stan Nystrom from Performance 
Mobility) took one of my many calls and said, 'Hey our techs are pretty good, 
let's have them look at it'. Well he came to the airport picked up my wife, me 
and the broken device. We got to his store in Mesa, his techs took it apart, 
found the blown fuse, fixed it and I was on my way to the reunion. Stan really 
came thru for me but travel with my TriWheeler is getting cut way back!
Tom C
C6/7 45 years

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