I tried hemorrhoid suppositories and they just made me bleed (I'm on blood
thinner) and did cream on the nights before bowel program. I put it off for
a long time (about 3.5 yrs from 1st signs of problems) but they got to be
grade 4 with prolapsing and I had to do something.


I had surgery on the 8th and still haven't pooped. Dr wanted me to hold off
on doing suppository and see if I would go on my own, I am taking miralax
along w/ my regular stool softener and Fibercon (he said if I don't go by
Friday we'll do milk of magnesia but I'm not even really bloated now,
passing a lot of gas.  He said it's just letting my rear heal which he feels
is good unless I am uncomfortable or sick from it  ).  I had follow up
yesterday and I think I am doing great. I've only taken about 10 Norco and
some Tylenol 3 - today I didn't take anything until after my shower and was
in my chair. That was at 9 a.m.  Three days after surgery I sat in my chair
11 hrs and really I am just tired. My surgeon is even doing a house call
Friday a.m. to check my rear because it was going to be a production to do
it at his office J


everything I read had me TERRIFIED but they were just so bad I thought it
couldn't be any worse and it isn't..had a few bouts w/ dysreflexia, just
sweating and elevated blood pressure, 1 in the hospital and that night I
came home, otherwise it's been a piece of cake. now by blood pressure is
low....weird...I may feel different when I do poop but we'll see.




From: Derrick [mailto:wheel...@centurylink.net] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2014 1:07 PM
To: nichole rohling
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Surgery


What did you try before surgery that helped?
I had surgery,like 8 years ago and was even bragging about no hemmys
recently. Well, I had some hard stools and now they are back

Dr had me do bowel care 2 days after i had surgery. I about died due to
dysreflexia at hospital.

On 12/13/2014 11:53 AM, nichole rohling wrote:

Well I did it. I had surgery on my hemorrhoids Monday. They didn't do a
spinal block...just sedation and local anesthetic. They kept me for
observation  overnight and I came home Tuesday afternoon. All was good until
I came home. I got nauseated on the way home so I ate some soup and took a
phenagran. I went to bed at 4 and it was a rough evening and  night. I was
sick to my stomach and sweated my rear off all night. I really wanted to die
and should've called 911 to go back to the hospital. Should've stayed an
extra day.  I rested all day Wednesday but was up in my chair all day
Thursday and Friday. Still taking pain meds but went 9 hours yesterday in
between doses.


The surgeon said not to do bowel program for at least a week...I feel like a
fat cow. Taking Miralax and praying I'll go when I'm on my shower chair. 


On a lighter note and something only quads can appreciate..I've passed gas
w/out bending over or pushing on my rear..it was a joyful noise...lol

I guess there's no roadblocks anymore J now if I can just go to the





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