I have done both ways...In a manual chair it is easy for a person to get you up 
or down stairs, they just have to tilt the chair back with the person in it 
facing away from the steps and simply lift up or down one step at a time--when 
they have you tilted back it is pretty easy just like moving a box or something 
with a 2 wheeled dolly. My son in law made a ramp to fit my power chair into 
his home, I believe he just used thick plywood about the size of the door 
opening to get up the stairs then he moved it up to the door for me to get in 
the one big step going into the house.Good Luck, Dan H.

On Friday, January 30, 2015 1:29 PM, Dave Krehbiel <davekrehb...@earthlink.net> 

I have been invited to a family event, but the houses not wheelchair 
accessible. The person hosting the party has offered to rent or build a ramp, 
but I am wondering if it would be simpler and easier and safer to use a 
standard nonpowered wheelchair.
There are three or four concrete steps leading up to the front door.
While I was in rehab, I watched them train individuals bring a person in a 
wheelchair up a flight of steps by themselves. At this event, there will be at 
least a half a dozen man who could lend a hand.
Have you ever used a standard wheelchair to get into a non-accessible house? My 
power wheelchair weighs about 600 pounds with me in it, and I just wonder if it 
would be easier to simply let relatives push me around for the day.
Thanks so much,
Dave Krehbiel

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