I'm glad somebody brought this up. A lot of us take meds that dry us out
and leave us itching. Regulate our bladder with ditropan,  pain with Norco,
spasms with Baclofen? Here comes the dry mouth, dry eyes, itchy skin, flaky
scalp, etc.   it's not an existential symptom like urethral burning, or
social sabotage like incontinence. I think I don't complain about it or
mention it much to my caregivers because compared to everything else it
sounds like trivial whining. But it is CONSTANTLY there in the background.
Perhaps I have a predilection for dry and itchy everything independent of
anything disability related. But, the impact of these essential drugs
undoubtedly makes it worse. I'll try some coconut oil, I'll try anything.
Tea oil seemed to help for a while but started causing acne. Sigh.

On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 8:34 PM, greg <g...@eskimo.com> wrote:

> I've had such bad itching on the top of my head, I mean so bad it hurt.
> Like hurt hair.
> My doc suggested Crisco Oil. It helped quite a bit, but I found something
> better... Coconut Oil. In a jar at room temp, it looks like sun tan lotion.
> But in a real warm room it looks like baby oil. I rub it on my scalp, then
> wait an hour. Then I scrub my head with one of those brushes that have
> little balls on the tips of the teeth. Flakes fall off like its snowing.
> But, wow does my scalp feel better.
> And it also helps my dry legs.
> Greg

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