Vitamin D is often called "the most important vitamin." We get most of our 
vitamin D through vitamin-fortified milk and cereal, fatty fish and exposure to 
sunlight. Surprisingly, many people do not get enough vitamin D. People in 
northern states are more likely to have low levels of D due to less exposure to 
sunshine. Us quads tend to bundle up, so have even less sun exposure.
I was shocked to find out, after two separate blood tests, that my vitamin D 
level was borderline to low. Shocked because I'm a sun lover and I live in AZ. 
I sit in the sunshine whenever possible, and it feels good to me. However, 
clothing and sunscreen block the production of vitamin D, which probably 
explains my low level.
After consultation with my doctor I started taking a vitamin D3 supplement. The 
results for me have been very positive. The itchy/dry scalp I had has almost 
completely gone away, and I feel as if my energy and stamina have increased. 
Please don't rush out and take vitamin D on my anecdotal testimonial. But next 
time you have blood work done have your doctor check your vitamin D level. You 
may also want to Google 'vitamin D' and read up on benefits/side effects and 
I wish you all health and happiness!
Don.Tempe, AZC5-6, 32 years post-injury

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