
I wholly concur. Because of my vitamin D deficiency for many years I believe 
caused my inoperable bone problem in my lumbar. My doctor has me on large 
dosages (cholecalciferol 8000 units). I live in New Jersey spent my summers 
mostly in the sun.  

Check with your doctor. The next time you give blood asked for a check on your 
vitamin D levels.

On May 7, 2015, at 3:36 PM, Don Price <> wrote:
> Vitamin D is often called "the most important vitamin." We get most of our 
> vitamin D through vitamin-fortified milk and cereal, fatty fish and exposure 
> to sunlight. Surprisingly, many people do not get enough vitamin D. People in 
> northern states are more likely to have low levels of D due to less exposure 
> to sunshine. Us quads tend to bundle up, so have even less sun exposure.
> I was shocked to find out, after two separate blood tests, that my vitamin D 
> level was borderline to low. Shocked because I'm a sun lover and I live in 
> AZ. I sit in the sunshine whenever possible, and it feels good to me. 
> However, clothing and sunscreen block the production of vitamin D, which 
> probably explains my low level.
> After consultation with my doctor I started taking a vitamin D3 supplement. 
> The results for me have been very positive. The itchy/dry scalp I had has 
> almost completely gone away, and I feel as if my energy and stamina have 
> increased. 
> Please don't rush out and take vitamin D on my anecdotal testimonial. But 
> next time you have blood work done have your doctor check your vitamin D 
> level. You may also want to Google 'vitamin D' and read up on benefits/side 
> effects and dosage. 
> I wish you all health and happiness!
> Don.
> Tempe, AZ
> C5-6, 32 years post-injury

Don’t  let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do!
Billy Lang

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