All companies the same. They do not give a crap about fitting the best chair. They should not get away with this. Until you find a company that really cares and takes the time to evaluate you, You have to really spend the time to research your self. Then ask for a demo to try for a few weeks. Read reviews, ask other users and give it time to adjust for the change. A new different chair takes time to adjust to.

I do not think wheelchair manufactures and DME dealers consider people sitting in wheelchairs for 12 hours a day. They should spend the time in customers shoes and ride around town and into stores to see what its like.

DME are sparse in rural areas like I live in so there is not many choices. My friend down the road was just told to find another dealer after getting his new wheelchair just because he told them and argued that he never got a chest strap. A chest strap is not much $ but they could care less.

Its just another hosing that the disabled get. Here's your wheelchair, cushion or van, now go away until you can order a new one. Plus, I blame Med-i-dont-care for not paying for pressure mapping and for better equipment.

On 6/29/2015 1:47 PM, Fragile wrote:
I had similar problems with a quantum 600. When I complained to the
company that sold me the chair, I was told, "you got what you
ordered." It was too wide. It was between 18 and 19 inches wide,
ordered between 16 and 17. Come to find out later, 17 inches wasn't an
option, so they went to 18. I just dealt with it for about 5 years,
when I was eligible for a new chair I went to a different company.
They sent somebody out to take measurements and whatnot. Showed up at
my front door about a month later with a new wheelchair (permobil),
without any warning. I wasn't ready to take the new chair, I was home
alone, nobody to transfer me into the new wheelchair so adjustments
could be made. Luckily, they sent somebody out a few weeks later and
took care of it.

On 6/29/15, <> wrote:
my new chair was delivered in april. i.m going from an invacare tdx 5 to a
quatrum 6000 recline chair. my question to all who all who received their
new chair and had so many adjustments .being fitted and measured found they
just hate the new chair. she told me the new chair would be a 1/2 difference
in height, no so true. ( i don;t clear my kitchen table, my computer desk is
now way to low) the back has been adjusted numerous times, i feel like i'm
falling out of it. i have to put towels under my feet to prevent the drop
look, they can't be adjusted up any further. this just isn't right is it? so
not happy.

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