friend of mine did this to and ended up with a spiral fracture. Good luck
hopefully you'll get better quickly.

On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 2:52 PM, DAVID LEWIS <> wrote:

> There's always a new twist to us Quads.
> About 6 weeks ago i turned my wheelchair quickly and i caught my foot on
> something and twisted it bad.
> That night it was really swollen. They came to my house and x -rayed it
> and they  said from what they saw there's no broken bones.
> The thing is, it still swells up during the day [ its the leg bag leg ]
> but goes down in the morning. Thats all fine but now my leg spasms really
> bad as if someone is grabbing it now.
> I think i messed a tendon up or something to make that nerve fire out for
> a spasm. What u think i should do?
> Anything happen like that to you. Please let me know.

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