Thanks Tom!
Best Wishes
In a message dated 9/4/2015 10:04:41 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

This is a pretty good listing of the nation’s top hospitals for  
rehabilitation.  At least through the first two pages, all these centers  have 
outpatient wheelchair / seating clinics.

From: "_wheelchair@aol.com_ ( "
Date: Friday, September 4, 2015 at 9:19  PM
To: "_diannal767@aol.com_ ( ", 
"_quad-list@eskimo.com_ ( "
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Sitting wrong/Pressure  sore
Resent-From: <_quad-list@eskimo.com_ ( >
Resent-Date: Friday, September 4, 2015 at  9:19 PM

Craig, Kessler, Shepard Hospitals all have seating and positioning  
clinics. I'm sure that are several others in North America.  Some might  say 
They Do Is Pressure Map" your butt, but its more than that and could  take up 
to 4 hours with a potential follow-up.  Rehab Doc's are great for  ordering 
the evaluation over the order for a new wheelchair.
We have a couple of medical pros among this group that can explain it  
better, based on their personal experience.  In your case, someone failed  to 
carry out a very important procedure in the eval process.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 9/4/2015 6:26:43 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
_diannal767@aol.com_ (  writes:

No. it was time for a new chair so I called the company who provided me  a 
chair 5 years ago. SAW a PHYSICAL THERAPIST, was MEASURED for this  
particular chair and that was it. Thus put my faith in their reputable  
Just who should of suggested I go to such a clinic W??  Perhaps that's 
exactly what she did! No, I've never heard of such a company  nor directed.

Did you  actually go to a clinic that specialize in seating and positioning 
or did  someone hold their thumb up to your profile?  Positioning is so  
important, especially today.   Do you have a Comfort Company set  up? 

-----Original  Message-----
From: wheelchair <_wheelchair@aol.com_ ( >
To:  diannal767 <_diannal767@aol.com_ ( >; 
sbell137 <_sbell137@cox.net_ ( >; quad-list 
<_quad-list@eskimo.com_ ( >
Sent:  Fri, Sep 4, 2015 5:08 pm
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Sitting wrong/Pressure  sore

Did you actually go to a clinic that specialize in seating and  positioning 
or did someone hold their thumb up to your profile?   Positioning is so 
important, especially today.   Do you have a  Comfort Company set up? 

Best Wishes 

In a message dated 9/4/2015 3:37:58 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
_diannal767@aol.com_ (  writes: 

funny you should ask that.  no, but I sure am sweating now! or clammy I 
should say. first thing in the  morning and after wound changes...I hate the 
feeling. feels like my blood  pressure raises too & I feel mean...actually I 
am after wound changes  that is! my doc has ordered the wound cleaned with a 
solution that  smells like bleach. I know i'm having a reaction to it cause 
I feel  sweaty. I didn't mention I've gone 25 years without a problem on my 
butt  until now.

Dianna, what a drag. thanks for sharing  this important info. Did you not 
feel sweaty or anything as the   sore was coming on? that's the scariest for 
us, not to feel it  until it's to late.
Kind regards, 
Shirley Bell 

-----Original  Message----- 
From: shirley bell <_sbell137@cox.net_ ( > 
To: diannal767  <_diannal767@aol.com_ ( > 
Cc:  quad-list <_quad-list@eskimo.com_ ( > 
Sent:  Fri, Sep 4, 2015 2:51 pm 
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Sitting wrong/Pressure  sore 

Dianna, what a drag. thanks for sharing this  important info. Did you not 
feel sweaty or anything as the  sore was  coming on? that's the scariest for 
us, not to feel it until it's to  late.
Kind regards, 
Shirley Bell 

_www.ShirleyBellDesigns.com_ ( 

----- Original Message ----- 
From:_ diannal767@aol.com_ (  
To: _quad-list@eskimo.com_ (  
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2015  12:27 PM 
Subject: [QUAD-L] Sitting  wrong/Pressure sore 

~Thought I'd share my  story with everyone in hopes of preventing this of 
happening to anyone  else!! Finally got in my new chair July 1. By August 
14th, I was in the  hospital getting surgery on a sore on my butt. I'm home now 
with a sore  the size of a 50 cent piece and 3/4 of an inch deep. Hooked up 
to a  Wound vac and hopefully next week, I'll get this pic line  out.
~The wheelchair rep made countless visits to my home to adjust the  back, 
then finally changed it to a air back cushion. Worked on  programming the 
controls that still are 'crazy'. Through the month, Dave  said "Your butts 
hanging out the back". I thought he meant to say, it  was big because that's 
it felt to me reaching back. What he should  have said was, "Your cheeks 
are hanging over the back of the cushion" !  I was sitting out on my patio & 
looked in my bay window to actually  look and see from the suns reflection, 
what my butt looked like in this  chair. This was a Saturday. I was feeling 
chilled that weekend, wearing  a sweater while it's 80 degrees out. Anyway, I 
immediately said to Dave,  "My butts hanging over the cushion, my butt 
looks huge"!  Dave:, "I  told you"  Saturday night, he noticed a pencil size 
sore on my  butt, by `Monday morning, it broke open a little with bleeding. I 
had  already had an appointment Monday with my wound doctor for a healing  
sore on my ankle. She sent me to the E.R with a letter requesting a  plastic 
surgeon, Dr Raj. I also encountered two 
infections from the wound, one being staff A and another letter to  go with 
it...couldn't care less at this point. Eight days in the  hospital, I just 
wanted to go home. 
~That Monday morning, Dave announced he could fix this, (6 weeks  too late) 
Moved the plate under the cushion 3 inches, now the cushion is  correct and 
so is my butt. The wheelchair rep should have checked and  caught my 
seating in corrections!! 
~Not finished. I had waited about 2 months for a prior  authorization from 
Medicaid to get the driving equipment installed on my  chair. Three inches 
now has my head about an inch from the door post in  my car. Driving it now 
slightly reclined but it throws everything off,  steering wheel, brakes. I 
had to resubmit another prior to adjust either  EZ-Lock or bolt on my chair 
from the adjustment on chair. 
Quantum 6000, I do not like it. The ONLY feature I like about this  chair 
is recline. 
If you think your butts bigger than you think,  in a new  chair....check it 

Tom  Borcherding
100 N. Florida  Ave
Belleville, IL 62221
Phone: +1 (618) 222-3505
Mobile:  314-378-0051
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