Hang in there!  Keep us in the loop.

On 12/2/2015 10:38 AM, greg wrote:
The worst 2 weeks ever. I've been in worse shape, pneumonia, etc, but never so much at one time. UTI , Yeast infection, Shingles, more Yeast, worse Shingles. The last 3 days AD very bad. I tough it was intestines cramping from very soft stool from all the meds. Terrible sweating nonstop, pounding headaches come and go. Finely decided to change cath again just to check if it was causing an issue. Huge blood clots come out and really felt sick… So the big red patty wagon came and got me. And just because a few days ago I said I never recall having sediment in my pee, of course it was full of it yesterday. It looks like all my AD issues were from a very bad UTI. So I had IV antibiotics, and a pix/pick line put in for home IV antibiotics. After the 1st dose, by last night I stopped sweating, but this morning it came back a bit with the headaches. But I should get the 2nd dose in a few hours. I'm just worn out. Not sleeping. Worse time of the year, to cold to sit in the sun. I know I have to drink more, but I just feel sick when I do.
Thanks for all the concern, Greg

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