Hello friends.
A few years ago one of my good buddies, a C7 quad, was having very serious 
problems with diarrhea. He couldn't keep anything inside of him and was afraid 
to leave the house because of bowel accidents. He tried every pill or 
medication he could find, with no luck. He became so ill and depressed that I 
feared for the worst.
Then, one of his friends brought him a natural solution to try--I believe it 
was called Bentonite Clay. We both thought it sounded weird--after all, who 
wants to eat clay!--but he was desperate for any remedy so he tried it. It 
worked wonders for him and he feels it saved his life. His BMs solidified, he 
started eating again and his entire outlook on life turned around. I don't 
think I would believe it if I hadn't seen the difference it made for him (no, I 
didn't look at his actual poops. Ha!)
Anyhow, you can Google Bentonite Clay and read about it on several sites. 
Remember that this is only a single anecdote so I'm not claiming it will work 
for everyone. Just add it to your arsenal of possible remedies for diarrhea and 
maybe other ailments (some of the health claims on the Websites do seem a bit 
outrageous.) As always, buyer beware.
I'd be interested to know if any of you have used this product.
May you all be blessed with great health over the holidays and beyond!
Don P.Tempe, AZC5-6, 33 years post injury

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