This might sound strange, but this happens to me for two different reasons.
One is because I'm having an allergic reaction to, but more often it
happens because I am having slight dysreflexia.  Try checking your blood
pressure when this occurs to determine if your blood pressure might be
elevated. I have found in my face and head itch that more often than not it
is my blood pressure

On Monday, December 21, 2015, greg <> wrote:

> My head use to itch so bad, lots of flakes. I used Crisco or Coconut oil,
> and it helped lots. But lately my head itches so bad, no flakes, and
> nothing helps. I'm up all night trying to scratch my scalp. Like bugs, but
> nothings there. Dermatologist gave me samples of itch free shampoos, but
> said everything looks fine. I do not think the cold weather is causing it.
> Never has before. My face too, it's like I have loose hairs tickling my
> face.
> Can allergies cause that? My left eye is watering bad for 3 days now. I
> flushed it with Visine, and a saline wash, and nothing. The outside edge
> gets crusty, goopy, and feels like I may have scratched it rubbing it so
> much.
> Sounds like another doc check up, Greg

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