Hi all,

I think we all suffer from dry skin etc. I suffered with dry scalp for years 
until I found that using T-GEL shampoo. It cleared it up within a week. I do 
not use any conditioner.

I suffer, like everyone here who takes medicine that causes dry mouth And it 
seems every medicine I take does it. We don’t sweat  (at the C-5 level anyway) 
and our skin does not have the capability of generating its own oils.

After 25 years my teeth have fallen out of my head. Lately I have been 
prescribed massive amounts of vitamin D to help with The Loss of Calcium. 
Recently, I find my fingernails are falling out (I should stop biting them to 
shorten them) but I think it’s from a lack of some nutrient in the body.

Hope this helps

> On Dec 26, 2015, at 6:51 PM, greg <g...@eskimo.com> wrote:
> Because of how bad it itches, all over head/face,  my skins not that dry, my 
> guess is that it is caused by meds. I looked up my meds and a couple 
> mentioned possible itching. But non of my meds are new. Except an antibiotic, 
> but its been over for a week now. Unless itching symptoms can start years 
> into taking it.
> Greg
>> I took Nexium for a short time until I found out it was making me
>> itchy.
>> Everything  When  that I could feel itched...even my eyebrows.
>> Maybe your problem is as simple as a new drug that is causing the
>> problem.
>> In a message dated 12/26/2015 12:16:51 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
>> ladyno...@aol.com writes:
>>> Greg, I also suffer
>>> from itchy scalp. I went to the dermatologist and he gave me a
>>> shampoo to use three times a week, but it does not stop my head
>>> from itchy. It itches in the same spots every time. Sometimes it
>>> is so bad I have to take a Benadryl. I'm convinced it's something
>>> neurological because sometimes even under my arms, my chest and
>>> the top of my back itches very bad. I am a C4 quad so if anything
>>> below that point is itching I wouldn't know. I cannot reach the
>>> top of my head so I have to have someone else scratch me. It's so
>>> annoying
>> Have a Blessed Day,
>>> Naomi
>> -----Original
>>> Message-----
>>> From: wheelchair <wheelch...@aol.com>
>>> To: wheelchair
>>> <wheelch...@aol.com> lwillis82153 <lwillis82...@gmail.com>
>>> quad-list <quad-list@eskimo.com>
>>> Sent: Mon, Dec 21, 2015 8:33
>>> pm
>>> Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Itchig Head
>>> Craig Hospital's Hotline   800-247-0257  24 hours a
>>> day.
>> Best Wishes
>>> In a message dated 12/21/2015 7:29:45 P.M. Central Standard Time,
>>> wheelch...@aol.com writes:
>>>> Have you considered calling Craig Hospital's Hotline for SCI
>>>> and ask a nurse.  Its free and you will be working with SCI
>>>> specialist.  Its a toll-free number and free.
>> Best Wishes
>>>> In a message dated 12/21/2015 5:08:16 P.M. Central Standard
>>>> Time, lwillis82...@gmail.com writes:
>>> Sounds very much like allergy. Try some Benadryl. If that
>>>>> doesn't help, try Claritin, etc. Do you take Percocet? It
>>>>> sometimes causes itching. Good luck, my friend. Larry
>>>>> ---------- Forwarded
>>>>> message ----------
>>>>> From: greg <g...@eskimo.com>
>>>>> Date: Monday, December 21,
>>>>> 2015
>>>>> Subject: [QUAD-L] Itchig Head
>>>>> To: quad-list@eskimo.com
>>>>> My head use to itch so
>>>>> bad, lots of flakes. I used Crisco or Coconut oil, and it
>>>>> helped lots. But lately my head itches so bad, no flakes, and
>>>>> nothing helps. I'm up all night trying to scratch my scalp.
>>>>> Like bugs, but nothings there. Dermatologist gave me samples
>>>>> of itch free shampoos, but said everything looks fine. I do
>>>>> not think the cold weather is causing it. Never has before.
>>>>> My face too, it's like I have loose hairs tickling my face.
>>>>> Can allergies cause that? My left eye is watering bad for 3
>>>>> days now. I flushed it with Visine, and a saline wash, and
>>>>> nothing. The outside edge gets crusty, goopy, and feels like
>>>>> I may have scratched it rubbing it so much.
>>>>> Sounds like another doc check up,
>>>>> Greg

Don’t  let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do!     -John Wooden
               Billy Lang

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