At least you caught it in time.     Bobbie 

Smile Everyday

> On Mar 7, 2016, at 10:31 PM, Bryce Willis <> wrote:
> Got a credit card bill from Home Depot today with $900 of charges for home 
> electronics. Problem is, I have never had that cc and never shopped at Home 
> Depot. I called them and found three more cc applications were being 
> processed. I spent all afternoon talking to HD, HD fraud dept, an independent 
> fraud dept, and the credit bureau. Makes me mad enough to chew nails.
> Sent from my iPad
> Begin forwarded message:
>> Resent-From:
>> From: Lori Michaelson <>
>> Date: March 7, 2016 at 4:49:25 PM EST
>> To: quad-list <>
>> Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Malware
>> My husband was a software/hardware computer guru and he always had our 
>> system back up with multiple protectors. I see that he had/and therefore I 
>> still have at least use Norton and Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.
>> Lori
>>> On Mon, Mar 7, 2016 at 1:29 PM, Fragile <> wrote:
>>> My mother's computer somehow got infected with DNS Unlocker. Finally
>>> got rid of it, took 3 programs. AdwCleaner, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware
>>> Free, HitmanPro.  Kind of strange, have to download programs to get
>>> rid of a virus that resulted from downloading a program.
>>> On 3/6/16, greg <> wrote:
>>> > Got Malware taking over my computer. I know of at least one called DNS
>>> > Unlocker. Sounds like I have to take it out manualy. The Spybot guys gave 
>>> > me
>>> > instructions. 3 pages. I hate these guys, do they realy think I'm going to
>>> > buy something from ad pop-ups going to pages I don't want, interfering 
>>> > with
>>> > what I'm doing. They should be able to find more of these A$$e$.
>>> > Greg
>> -- 
>> "Petting, scratching and cuddling a dog could be soothing to the mind and 
>> heart and deep meditation and almost as good for the soul as prayer." ~Dean 
>> Koontz

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