Fluoride is not an effective dental remedy, despite what the dental community will cram down your throat that it is. The government needed a way to get rid of all the excess fluoride so they put it in drinking water, claiming it would improve the dental health of the country. Getting one of those WaterPik, HydroFloss, etc. treatment units for your teeth is very helpful. I have terrible teeth and gums. Tooth powder is almost more effective than toothpaste (see IPSAB tooth powder below). Closys mouthwash is also very effective.

Here is a link I found to cures for Burning Mouth Sydrome:


If you want some truly effective remedies for tooth problems (disclaimer: I'm not associated with the company I'm recommending; I just buy their products), look up The Heritage Store on the Internet. You will find powdered IPSAB tooth powder, gum rinse, and other related products. Read up on Edgar Cayce and you will discover how he came up with all these cures. If you suffer from frequent kidney stones and bladder infections, buy the watermelon seeds powdered and make tea out of them. It works well making the tea with a Mr. Coffee iced tea maker. The seeds are very bitter so you will need to add a lot of sweetener to the tea. Use with tea from a company like The Republic of Tea (TROT) because you don't want to be drinking storebought tea since it contains things that actually cause kidney stones. If you want a recommendation on the types of tea we use to dissolve my husband's chronic kidney stores, e-mail me off loop and I'll tell you which two teas we use from TROT.


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