You need to distinguish between fluoride in water (1PPM) which is very
effective in reducing decay in teeth that are developing in bone.  ( after
age 6-8 fluoride in water does very little)  Topical fluoride(gels, rinse,
varnish) helps to a much smaller degree the teeth that are erupted.
I have not heard any one in the dental community recommend fl for 'burning
mouth syndrome'.  One etiology is a vitamin B deficiency. However, there is
not any agreement on other possible causes. So the "Earthclinic" article is
as good as most dental literature on the syndrome.
Ps. I'm a dentist practicing 37 years

On Fri, Mar 18, 2016 at 10:39 PM, Carolyn Boyles <> wrote:

> Fluoride is not an effective dental remedy, despite what the dental
> community will cram down your throat that it is. The government needed a
> way to get rid of all the excess fluoride so they put it in drinking water,
> claiming it would improve the dental health of the country. Getting one of
> those WaterPik, HydroFloss, etc. treatment units for your teeth is very
> helpful. I have terrible teeth and gums. Tooth powder is almost more
> effective than toothpaste (see IPSAB tooth powder below). Closys mouthwash
> is also very effective.
> Here is a link I found to cures for Burning Mouth Sydrome:
> <>
> If you want some truly effective remedies for tooth problems (disclaimer:
> I'm not associated with the company I'm recommending; I just buy their
> products), look up The Heritage Store on the Internet. You will find
> powdered IPSAB tooth powder, gum rinse, and other related products. Read up
> on Edgar Cayce and you will discover how he came up with all these cures.
> If you suffer from frequent kidney stones and bladder infections, buy the
> watermelon seeds powdered and make tea out of them. It works well making
> the tea with a Mr. Coffee iced tea maker. The seeds are very bitter so you
> will need to add a lot of sweetener to the tea. Use with tea from a company
> like The Republic of Tea (TROT) because you don't want to be drinking
> storebought tea since it contains things that actually cause kidney stones.
> If you want a recommendation on the types of tea we use to dissolve my
> husband's chronic kidney stores, e-mail me off loop and I'll tell you which
> two teas we use from TROT.
> Carolyn

Living in God's Grace

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