Please don't think of me as a bad person simply because I have paid
attention and observed so many things about spinal cord injury research and
breakthroughs and always have to question whether it is real or not. I
think it is a little bit of both.

When Paul and Carolyn just posted about amazing breakthroughs... I'm sure
there has been many of them  but with a catch. Just like the liberal media
hide things from us because they are always on the liberal side and always
have been.

Anyway, back when Glenn Henry made a post about pressure mapping I wrote
the following (below) but then decided not to send it simply because I felt
that everyone would think that I am just looking at things negatively and
that, no matter what, we all have to hope for hope in the future and not
give up the quest for the generation of cells for any of this to regain
more movement.

Christopher Reeve could have done so much more but he was so gung ho and
adamant that he was going to walk 5 years after his injury that he was
getting desperate. After he was unable to walk after the first 5 years went
by ... do any of you remember what I wrote many many years ago regarding
what he *probably *did out of desperation?

We were all "told" that he passed away from a bed sore or a UTI or a
combination of things when the hospital. If he was so bad off... what was
his wife doing in California having a good time I had to ask myself. But
even more importantly he looked like Christopher Reeve practically one day
and the next time we saw him he looked like a 90-year-old man. That speaks
volumes to me that he was letting the so-called "experts" experiment on him
and it cost him losing his hair and probably his life with that research
that surely did not get him to walk but into a grave. So many of us on the
quad list have been injured 20, 30, 40 or more years and still do not look
like 90-year-old men or women. We all might look a little bit older like
everyone else does but surely not like what Christopher Reeve did
practically overnight.

I also agree with Steve on this (pressure mapping). Ironically, I never had
any problems with "pressure" believe it or not.

"Shearing" became my nemesis after having my Stage III wound over my left
iscial tuberocity in 2010. Which brought me, for the first time, to use a
Roho cushion. So, it took 30 years for me to have any real issues with my
buttocks as, before that, I did not sit on anything but a bucket seat and a
super comfortable one using my Fortress Scientific wheelchair which, of
course, they do not make any more. It had a super comfortable air filled
back and the same part of the bucket seat I sat on which was all air for
about 4 inches.

When I got my first Permobil (Chairman) I sat on a blowup waffle like
cushion which was certainly no "special" cushion. There was a one time
event  in 2004 which gave me a Stage III wound that lasted only 6 months
and then I was in tip top shape. But both Permobil chairs (the one I have
now what is September 2011) came with metal bottoms (UNLIKE my Fortress
Scientific) and that was the *beginning* of having any type of wound issues.

Call me a cynic (Cynicism is an unpleasant way of saying the truth) but it
wouldn't surprise me if all of this "SCI research" for a cure or to repair
severed spinal cord or nerves, etc." is not doing much more than bringing
in trillions of dollars that benefit a lot of able-bodied people and
corporations and therefore making a lot of people very very very wealthy.

With the cost of Power Rehab Chairs now costing as much as a car, the
ongoing maintenance of each and every chair, the adaptations to them,
"special made" cushions and with hundreds of different types of them, and
so many other examples with only, overall, ending up with very very little
progress toward a cure.

Then all of the money corporations make from us whether it be from
suppositories, wound care products, rotating air mattresses or mattresses
specially made for those with an SCI, hospital beds, and the list is just

If you think of the extreme debt the United States of America is in, do the
math and statistics of money being made off of people with Cancer & the
money being made off of people with SCI individuals brings more money then
we could ever explain in words. This includes:

* Personnel - Neurologists and Neurosurgeons, pain medication for SCIs,
wound care for individuals with SCIs, etc. etc. etc.
* Supplies (everything from suppositories to tracheotomys and ventilators
and everything in between)
* Medications for spasticity, bladder spasms, etc. etc. etc.
* Institutions
* The Christopher Reeve foundation and The Miami Project doing all this
research and, overall this time, bringing in trillions of dollars to
basically put out what they want us to hear to continue to send them money.
I know one quad who has set up an entire SCI research small town community
set up with a large bus and everything. When he first began he began
sending money to The Christopher Reeve Foundation then when he wanted
something as simple as a shower chair or something along those lines they
turned him down after all the money he had given them over years!

The easiest people to fool are the masses and they count on us to be fooled

Basically, what I am trying to convey is that doctors and SCI researchers
and the media will do anything they can to keep the "hope of a cure" going
and, while they are doing so, they are collecting billions if not trillions
of money but we are not much better off than they were say approximately 25
years ago.

On Tue, Nov 22, 2016 at 10:49 AM, glenn henry <> wrote:

> Hello,
> Has anyone on the site been pressure mapped? If so do you think that it
> helped in anyway?
> With the price of some items coming out at a lower price, does anyone have
> a unit that they purchase for home use?
> Thanks
> Glenn

"Petting, scratching and cuddling a dog could be soothing to the mind and
heart and deep meditation and almost as good for the soul as prayer." ~Dean

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