I'm with you Greg....I wish they could have a National Insurance where all 
states had coverage and was not so confusing to all, The big Insurance Co. are 
ran for profit, but I think they could still do well enough even with a 
National coverage. Dan H** 

    On Thursday, January 5, 2017 6:24 PM, greg <g...@eskimo.com> wrote:

 <!--#yiv6873487690 body{font-family:'Arial';font-size:14pt;}#yiv6873487690 
p{display:block;margin:0.00in;}#yiv6873487690 body{}-->There is no perfect 
insurance option, but I think the best option would simply to have a National 
Medicare. Then if you want extra, you can buy it. I never understood those 
against government insurance that say their reasons are they don't want 
government making medical decisions. Yet they think having insurance companies 
that make profits by denying you make the decisions is better??? Insurance co. 
gives bounces for denying you, even if its covered, knowing a lot of people do 
not appeal. I hate the Obamacare system. Way to confusing, but I'm 100% for 
National Insurance. Greg


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