The sad part is that once ANY president gets in office he is fully covered
for the rest of his life but I wouldn't want his job either!

It is my opinion that Hillary is the biggest crook of all crooks and her
husband's administration took away, in 1999, all of the home help that I
was getting through Medicare prior to that. After Billy changed the payment
system to home health agencies for those on Medicare... I lost over 99% of
my home healthcare.

Does anyone remember when Bill Clinton was in office and it was around 1993
when Hillary had this big "National Healthcare Plan" that was all her idea
and was going to help everybody but it fell flat on its face?

The Clinton Health Care Plan, known back then *officially *as the Health
Security Act and *unofficially *nicknamed "Hillarycare" (of course after
Hillary who wore the pants in that administration) by its detractors was in
1993 healthcare reform package proposed by the administration of Pres. Bill
Clinton and of course closely associated with the chair of the task for his
devising the wonderful plan --  First Lady of the United States Clinton.
Its goal was to come up with a comprehensive plan to provide *universal
health care for all Americans, *which was to be a cornerstone of the
administration's first-term agenda. "The 1994 midterm election became
common in the opinion of one media observer, a "referendum on big
government -- Hillary Clinton had launched a massive health care reform
plan that strangled itself by its own red tape."

Gee does The Health Security Act (Hillarycare) not sound familiar to The
Affordable Care Act and known as Obamacare? Why do these Democrats feel so
empowered, egotistic and arrogant to name these plans after themselves? We
have been overly governed and where has it gotten us? Only at their mercy.

I remember being really excited about The Health Security Act even though I
was well covered with health insurance at that time by working for a state
agency and I had full coverage for everything by being employed by the
state/government. I now wish I could have continued working but
syringomyelia got the best of me and I retired early. A colleague of mine
is also a quadriplegic and he is still working there so he will get, like
he told me semi-recently, long-term healthcare. But I am sure that will be
over governed as well by only a select few healthcare providers from
pharmaceutical companies to doctors and hospitals to home health care

Anyway, of course the Democrats and the Clinton administration at that time
(1993) wanted to blame the Republicans and Libertarians and anyone else
they could blame to reflect the blame (as they always do). But those who
are really guilty need only to look in a mirror.

But when the rubber hits the road... where DID that mighty national health
care plan go? Down the drain... that's where it went! On September 26,
1994, the final compromise Democratic bill was declared dead by a Senate
Majority leader. But people have short memories and most have forgotten
about that big Clinton health care plan and governments count on that so
they get away with murder... literally many times.

Bill Clinton did a great job of not owning up to what he was guilty for
(federal perjury) and anyone else who would be guilty of this perjury would
be imprisoned but, oh god no, ... not a Clinton!

Now, Donald Trump is not even in the office yet and already he is being
crucified and, mark my words, no matter what he does or how he does it ...
those who did not and do not want him into office will continue to crucify
him and blame him for everything.

I am not a Republican or a Democrat ... just the common sense and a good
memory to see what has happened and how history repeats itself over and
over again.

Our country is falling apart and has been for a long time in the exact same
way that the greatest empire in our history did... through economics,
politics, arguing and crucifying others and losing a country by having
barbarians take over.


On Thu, Jan 5, 2017 at 7:55 PM, RONALD L PRACHT <>

> The people against national health insurance are the people that have
> great insurance through their employer. They say screw everyone else. We
> need an across the board national healthcare for everyone, then if you want
> better or extra coverage buy it.
> Ron
> On Thursday, January 5, 2017 8:27 PM, Danny Hearn <>
> wrote:
> I'm with you Greg....I wish they could have a National Insurance where all
> states had coverage and was not so confusing to all, The big Insurance Co.
> are ran for profit, but I think they could still do well enough even with a
> National coverage. Dan H**
> On Thursday, January 5, 2017 6:24 PM, greg <> wrote:
> There is no perfect insurance option, but I think the best option would
> simply to have a National Medicare. Then if you want extra, you can buy it.
> I never understood those against government insurance that say their
> reasons are they don't want government making medical decisions. Yet they
> think having insurance companies that make profits by denying you make the
> decisions is better??? Insurance co. gives bounces for denying you, even if
> its covered, knowing a lot of people do not appeal.
> I hate the Obamacare system. Way to confusing, but I'm 100% for National
> Insurance.
> Greg

"Petting, scratching and cuddling a dog could be soothing to the mind and
heart and deep meditation and almost as good for the soul as prayer." ~Dean

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