Sorry to hear about the pain. I don't know if any of these ideas will help,
but here goes.

Some time ago, I had a problem with shoulder pain, and I scheduled an
appointment with a physical therapist. She said that in many cases shoulder
pain can be caused by poor positioning in the wheelchair. We made an
appointment for someone to check the armrests on my chair. The armrests were
replaced with wider armrests, and they were raised several inches, and my
shoulders started feeling a lot better.

A second option might be electronic stimulation. Your shoulder joint
requires a certain amount of stabilization by muscles and tendons, and I'm
guessing that some of those muscles are falling down on the job these days.
You can hook up a device which will stimulate and contract and strengthen
those muscles, helping to stabilize the joint, and possibly also reducing
the amount of pain. I don't know what the regulations are where you live,
but the preference of the physical therapists in Maryland is to train aides
to set up and turn on the equipment two or three times per week.

Another thing which has helped me is hot showers. I have a shower chair (I
can send a picture if you like) and a shower I can roll into. These days I
mostly get bed baths. But I had an aide a few years ago that would give me a
shower once a week, and that always made me feel better.

I am a C-4/C-5 quadriplegic, and so I have partial control over my
shoulders. When I'm laying on my back, I contract and exercise the muscles I
have, and that seems to reduce the pain for me.

Good luck, and take care,

Dave Krehbiel

-----Original Message-----
From: Larry Willis [] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2017 11:00 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Back, pain, back!!!

Ok guys, things are getting serious. My neck and right shoulder hurt so bad
I want to cry. It seems to start in the back of my neck and radiate into my
right shoulder joint. The only thing that helps is to stack some thick
towels in front of me and lay my arm on top of them. Does anyone have a
better solution? I've tried salves and lotions, Percocet and ibuprofen.
Nothing. Btw,one year ago this week, my wife MELISSA, had her harrowing
experience with a pacemaker. Prayers for her and a few miracles for all of
us! Night peeps.

Larry Willis
Retired and proud of it

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