What it comes down to is there is no option other than suicide to get out of 
it. What has helped me is the realization that life is short for everybody and 
in 50 years nobody will know the difference who was a quad or not. Life is a 
gift, even as a quad and each of us have to find our own reasons. I dont know 
if you have heard the song by garth brooks called the dance, but it talks about 
lifes pain and gifts. In order to get out of the pain you would of had to miss 
the dance. Think about all the special things you have done in your life. We 
have to struggle harder to find purpose each day that the average person thats 
for sure. I think a quad knows and appreciates the little things life gives us 
more. Listen to the song and maybe that can help. 

    On Friday, January 27, 2017 11:57 AM, Paul Jacobson <pjacob...@san.rr.com> 

 love From: Jeffrey Gaede Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2017 6:34 PMTo: Quad-list 
Post Subject: [QUAD-L] Why keep pushing on Why do people keep pushing on? I 
mean it's bad enough to be substantially disabled, but it doesn't stop there. 
People, in general, don't want to be around you. It's difficult to go places 
and do things; average things that most people do all the time. And you know 
from experience that illnesses and such can pop up at any moment, much more 
easily than the average person. You try like hell to avoid being dependent on 
the government but it's nearly impossible, even if you work full-time. That 
means you constantly have someone with which to answer. Someone with their own 
rules, who can't begin to understand you and what you go through on a daily 
basis. I could see where if you were recently disabled then maybe you haven't 
been through enough to realize what life is going to throw your way, but what 
about those of us that have been around a while? What keeps you pushing on… Jeff

From: greg <g...@eskimo.com>
To: quad-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2017 6:30 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Bd
 <!--#yiv1360785484 body{font-family:'Arial';font-size:14pt;}#yiv1360785484 
p{display:block;margin:0.00in;}#yiv1360785484 body{}-->I hate going to bed. I 
freeze the first half hour no matter how warm I get my room.Shake like I'm 
convulsing.I'd stay in my chair 24/7 if I could.Plus I just hate not being able 
to move around.Greg


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