I know having my accident at 17 May 1981 was such a shock but being from
such a small town, they all were very supportive.  I had wonderful doctors,
nurses, therapists and there were other paralyzed people at the rehab that
inspired me.  Plus family, my parents, younger siblings, Aunts, Uncles,
Cousins and family from both sides came to support me and my family.  I
took my first semester of my senior year at the rehab place.  I got to go
home on the weekend and my parents allowed my classmates to come visit me.
The house was full the whole time.  When they left, they always cleaned
up.  When I got out of rehab I was able to go back to my school the 2nd
semester and graduate with my class.  I waited a year and then went to
collage at ISU for 3 and half year which I made a lot of friends there.  I
had such wonderful experiences there.  Many of my friends from there came
to my wedding when I married my high school sweetheart, September 1986.  He
moved to Las Vegas NV because he was stationed at Nellis Air Force.  my
husband got out of the Air Force after 10yrs, it was too hard when he had
to got oversea for a year.  We had our son June 1997 after my husband got
out of the Air Force September 1986.  He got a job at the Post Office.
When our son was just over a year old,  we chose to move back to Iowa to be
closer to family, October 1998,, grandparent, all our family lived close
by so our son would know them.  The move was hard but like everything else,
we managed.  My husband was able to transfer to an Iowa post office.  We
have been here since.  My husband and I celebrated our 30th anniversary
Sept 2016.  Our son will be be 20 in June.  Even though I have had a
few health issues, we have managed through  them.  In all this time I seen
how my  disability helped many others see things differently.  I
experienced things I never would have if I had not had my accident.  I
think it was destiny for me to have this accident.  The only thing I wish
was different since this accident was in my life plan God gave me, I wish I
could have hand use of my hands.  The older I get my body/skin gets weaker,
prone to sores.  I still find myself very Blessed.  My belief in God helped
keep my on the positive road.  I have gained so much.  It does scare me
getting older but my husband and son have informed me that they need me so
that is more then enough to keep me going. .  For those who feel at the end
of their rope, search inside and you should find a silver lining, grab that
and let it lead you to a more positive place even if it means moving,
adding a new friend or pet in.  It many not be easy but life isn't easy for
many. .I hope this gives some ideas in finding a new positive road.

On Sat, Jan 28, 2017 at 5:22 PM, Carolyn Boyles <cboy...@swbell.net> wrote:

> My husband of 33 years (in March) and a houseful of special needs cats. We
> couldn't have children so we started adopting special needs cats. We did
> get carried away over the years, but we younger and in better health.
> In a more technical sense we keep pushin' on because we haven't died
> yet.:-)
> I believe in God. Spinal cord injuries typically happen because of an
> accident. Each of us could easily have been killed, but we were spared. I
> think it happens for a reason. My husband thinks it's to change the path
> your life was on because it would be worse in some way.
> That's my two cents' worth.
> Carolyn

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