Yeah, I do think most people like to help. If they looked frustrated I might not ask. Just yesterday I was sitting in front of my house. Facing my house with the sun on my back, using my tablet. A car pulled up and a guy rolled down his window. He yelled to see if I was OK. He said he saw me there when he drove by and I was still there on his way back. He just wanted to be sure I was OK. I get that a lot.

> Hey Greg,
> The first 15 years I avoided and dreaded asking for help, private
> or public. I, too, ask all the time now. I wish I’d have figured
> that out a lot sooner, I would have saved myself a lot of wasted
> time and energy! Luckily, people are much less scared of us these
> days and feel good about reaching the cereal on the highest shelf
> for someone so low to the ground! And I definitely ask for people
> to feed me samples! Rule of life: NEVER pass up a sample or
> appetizer opportunity. Fast, easy, harmless. It’s not like you’re
> attempting a plate of spaghetti LOL. But the public is also more
> exposed to our needs nowadays and are more than willing to help.
> Just make sure you’re fairly clean and kempt, or in the future, the
> individual on the other end of that shrimp will run as far away
> from disabled people as possible! As for strangers and leg bags?
> I’m sure most of us avoid that scenario as much as possible in the
> first place, but if it can’t be avoided, ask. It’s not worth
> dragging 911 into the picture just to have your leg bag emptied. I
> look for women for sensitive things because they’re more, well,…
> sensitive. If they have a kid or two with them, even better! Most
> of the time she will tell you straight up that what I (we) need is
> nothing compared to her dealing with her kids’ bodily fluids daily!!
> I always find that if I stop someone and he or she is visibly
> uncomfortable or just too busy to help (listening to you, but
> eyeing their train pulling away!), I let them off the hook by
> saying, “Never mind. I can wait, I’m in no hurry.” (Even if that’s
> a major falsehood!) But if it’s dire, I say, “I hate to do this to
> you, but I gotta say, I’m so grateful you came along. It could have
> been bad news had you not turned onto my corner!”
> Just my opinions. It sounds like you have your priorities under
> control!
> Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2017 10:47 AM
> To:
> Subject: [QUAD-L] Ask For Help
> Hey guys,
> How do you feel about asking strangers for help? And how far would
> you go…
> I use to HATE asking strangers for help. Now I do all the time.
> Usually just simple things like: Asking if they can hand me
> something, or pick up something I dropped, etc. Yesterday I was at
> the store and they were giving out samples of shrimp. They asked if
> I wanted one. It looked so good, I had to try it. So I asked if hey
> could scoop it in my mouth for me. I did that once before with  
> stuffed mushroom.
> Have you, or would you ask a stranger to empty your legbag? If not,
> what if you were so full, you are going through AD?
> Adjust you in your chair?
> Greg

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