If you don't qualify for extra help (a.k.a. Medicaid)... you're going to
end up paying out of pocket. I had the best luck when I was living with my
sister and brother-in-law by word-of-mouth but now, out here, I have a
live-in caregiver (no one else) so she needs help but before my husband
passed away we were able to find girls at a local church and they were less
expensive than home health aides that want to be paid $26/hour to be a
glorified babysitter let alone do anything.

I am on the SCIC caregiver listserv (and have been for many many many
years) and the owner of the list is the mother of a Quad but I believe that
she died and her son (the quad) died before her but I could be wrong. I
still get their monthly list of what to do about this, that and the other
thing  so you could always subscribe to that.

Right now I am trying to find help for a few hours a week and I can't even
find that anymore. People want jobs... so where are they? I have been
trying for a long time. My husband and I were so happy that we could find
those girls and we had caregivers every morning (4 visits from a home
health agency aide was great) and we hired the other woman for the other
three days. They would screw up with a lot of things and my husband had to
step in to help with a transfer or whatever but it was better than nothing.
We then hired those girls we found from the church. I am still trying to
work through that again but I've been trying for months.

Now it is hard as hell to find a home health agency since my only insurance
is Medicare. Things were better five years ago but now it seems like you
have to have Medicaid (in whatever state you are in) to qualify for the
free help.

Good luck!

On Fri, May 19, 2017 at 5:51 AM, Dave Krehbiel <davekrehb...@earthlink.net>

> I have been a quadriplegic for nearly 10 years now, and as a consequence,
> my wife has taken on the role of being a family caregiver for almost 10
> years.
> She needs help. I have some ideas about setting up an organization to help
> support family caregivers, and right now I am doing some research.
> Are you aware of any helpful programs or resources or information or
> organization supporting family caregivers?
> Thanks so much, and take care,
> Dave Krehbiel
> Olney, MD
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"Petting, scratching and cuddling a dog could be soothing to the mind and
heart and deep meditation and almost as good for the soul as prayer." ~Dean

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