Congratulations for making it this far Bobbie and you are so fortunate to
still have sweet Pete! Needless to say, heartbreaking news to find out you
have a stage IV wound and the amount of pain that you are in.

I not only have superficial bladder cancer that will probably need surgery
but just got news today that my best friend (my Golden Retriever Daughter)
and who is the reason I get up every day probably has cancer and will need

I am so sick and tired of being sick and tired and in pain (both physical
and emotional) and without any family left or, what is left of it, were not
willing to be like my parents or grandparents or my husband to help "share
the care" with me paying for morning and evening caregivers who worked
great for the 3 years I was with them. I was an inconvenience to them and
me all went behind my back at one point and, with a four bedroom ranch home
whereby I am over 99% sure that my mother paid for the addition for their
home for me to stay when my grandparents died (I know my mother paid
$17,000 for my other sisters home to have an addition put on before my
mother passed away of pancreatic cancer at age 54) but my brother-in-law
refuses to admit it.

Thank God I was able to find a live-in caregiver that I could afford since
I couldn't find one single even remotely accessible apartment or home to
stay near family so I moved back to Arizona where the weather is great and
everything is accessible. They had no problem with just throwing me in a
nursing home nearby that had been cited twice for terrible care.

The bad news is everything went downhill just two weeks after moving here
with that nurse ruining my urethra requiring surgery. And the primary care
physician I had was no longer taking patients on a pain medication so I
couldn't get him back and he was great. I went to another physician any was
the first physician in my life to discharge me for no good reason and said
I had to find another position within 30 days and now in Arizona that is
close to impossible because they want to farm you out to the pain clinics
rather than prescribe any narcotic. I found another one but she was even
worse and she also discharge me for no good reason. I have never ever ever
experienced that in my life.

Then, less than a year after the surgery to have a bladder neck closure
(with essentially no urethra left thanks to that nurse and being bedridden
because of the leaking and the breaking down of skin for close to a year)
and a suprapubic catheter a growth/polyp was found on my bladder wall so
they urologist I have wanted a bladder biopsy and it showed "superficial
bladder cancer." He is suggesting me to have an Ileal Conduit to completely
remove my bladder which is a very big and risky surgery. Without my husband
or a parent or any other spring and now losing my Furbaby most likely... I
have had it with spending thousands of dollars of doctors or nurses hurting
me in one way or another.

Because I have been so worn down over the last two years and now with this
latest news... it is highly unlikely every field to make it through such a
big surgery and since I have to pay 20% of the bill it will be very costly.
After I had the bladder biopsy done on February 25 of this year... that
hospital gave me Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) and so far they have not been
to proactive with getting rid of it. It is sensitive to Macrobid but after
being on that for a week it did not go away and then my urologist told me
that a week wasn't enough so why is resident only put me on it for a week
was just laziness I guess. So they put me on it for another two weeks but
my symptoms came back and that severe bladder pain kills me. Now he has me
on three weeks of Doxycycline. The co-pay for the two scripts for Macrobid
came to $120 and the co-pay for the Doxycycline was $47.

My Furbaby is more important to me than anything and has been there for me
ever since my husband passed away in June 2012. She has never left my side.
Now I get this news. I can't take anymore.

~Lori, 38+ years post

On Tue, Apr 17, 2018 at 9:44 AM, Bobbie Humphreys <> wrote:

> Today is 45 freaking YEARS since I fell off a 250 Kawalski and broke C 5,6
> at 17 years old
> My body is truly falling apart and hurts like HELL!
> I met Pete 9 years later and he's STILL taking care of me 24/7/365. Bless
> his heart ❤️
> I went to college, traveled, was bad, was good
> I don't know how much longer I can stand sitting. I just found out I have
> a stage 4 wound and I was only getting up every other day for 7-8 hours a
> day
> And that's with Pete checking my skin EVERY day ... it just "cropped up"
> I hope you newbie's have a better Road then us old timers
> Bobbie
> "Be the change you want to see in the world". Gandhi

"Petting, scratching and cuddling a dog could be soothing to the mind and
heart and deep meditation and almost as good for the soul as prayer." ~Dean

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