Thanks Eric...

This newspaper cover all of Tucson not just via the "paper" itself but
online and other ways people can look at the paper.

I also mentioned that I have signed up with whereby you can choose
any of the caregivers (and choose any number of miles away from where you
are), view what they do and how they describe themselves as and their ages
and write to them where they can view on the site and they get notified
through their e-mail.

I also mentioned that I have tried Next whereby I have chosen over
60 neighborhoods in my area. Great source of information and what is
happening in your area or town whether it be just about anything including
advertising for free. Unlike that charges a fee.

Anyway... hard to find someone who will do 24/7 but that is what I really
need and then giving them off at intervals like I have done over the past 4

Everything from advertising to what people want to get paid is being beyond
expensive. I am in a very tough spot.

~ Lori

On Wed, Feb 19, 2020 at 12:55 PM Eric Olson <> wrote:

> Sorry you're having trouble finding someone.  I had this site bookmarked.
>  Not sure it will help.  How local is this
> paper?  I think you should think about expanding your search area. I get
> where you're coming from about using the word quadriplegic.  It can make
> you a target but it's not really something you want to spring on a
> potential caregiver either.  Wish you luck
> On Tue, Feb 18, 2020 at 3:18 PM Lori Michaelson <>
> wrote:
>> Okay, only one member on here knows of my situation (Dana) but I really
>> need to ask a question.
>> I have been on my own for the last 40 years as a high-level quad. I have
>> always lived with family except over the last 4 years whereby I found a
>> live-in caregiver that I could afford.  Now the live-in caregiver I have
>> had over the last 4 years users moving on and out-of-state. In our original
>> contract if either of us were moving on we had to give the other person a
>> 90 day written notice. She gave me a good 6 months notice so I've started
>> advertising in January.
>> I found her via craigslist when I was in Pennsylvania living with family
>> who wanted me to move on when they knew I had nowhere to go. Absolutely
>> nowhere and I was not going to move into a nursing home. I had a beautiful
>> support dog and I would NOT survive in a nursing home anyway. All of my
>> caregivers over the years know that I would not survive  in a nursing home
>> 2 months and I know that as well with my needs.
>> Unfortunately or fortunately, I am not eligible for state help and that
>> is because I received my Social Security from working, my husband's Social
>> Security, a big savings account for so many reasons (I need a lot of dental
>> work, I need to be able to have a co-pay for a new caregiver and so many
>> other reasons) as well as my husband investing before he passed away.
>> "Spending down" is like committing financial suicide because I don't think
>> versions of Medicaid is going to last long and I have no way of controlling
>> what I get from Social Security every month as well as a small annuity from
>> the accident (which is peanuts when you live alone and my lawyer at the
>> time screwed that up by not factoring in inflation and "What if Lori needs
>> around-the-clock care at some point?").
>> * I put an ad on craigslist for 30 days which will be up on February 20th
>> - soon. I got absolutely no response from anyone from that route. It used
>> to be free to advertise 4 years ago but now it is $25.
>> * I have signed up with but have not found anyone yet.
>> * I put an ad on the Facebook closed group for caregivers in my area but
>> no responses.
>> * For those familiar with Next-Door ... I put feelers out there with no
>> response.
>> * I have thought about putting an ad in our town newspaper and I have
>> spoken with the head of classifieds for this. Their highest circulation
>> output is Sundays and Wednesdays and if I want it and therefore a month it
>> will be $273. I have used as little words as possible but my question to
>> you guys is:
>> When advertising in a newspaper and you live alone... should you use the
>> word Quadriplegic? I have to have a way for people to reach me so I put my
>> phone number and e-mail and asking for a "live-in" caregiver.
>> I need to start training people ASAP since my current live-in is leaving
>> the first week in August which sounds like a while from now but by the time
>> you train someone and you make sure they are going to stay for a good
>> amount of time for it to be worthwhile... time goes by quickly.
>> My wheelchair batteries had some dead cells and they needed to be
>> replaced which just happened this past Tuesday. My co-pay for those is $244.
>> My live-in caregiver has not had a break in a year because of certain
>> situations so she has really burned out and the one caregiver in my area
>> who knows my care (but has a family and a full-time job) is going to take
>> care of me 3 days next week and that is $600 but I have no other option.
>> I have contacted so many places including my local Center for Independent
>> Living and, being a quad as long as I have and working for an independent
>> living center for 7+ years and having lived with family or my spouse over
>> the last 40 years and to be fortunate to have found a fabulous live-in
>> caregiver for the last 4 years... I am now desperate.
>> My health deteriorated after being hurt soon after moving back here along
>> with a domino effect that caused to this very day but I still have a great
>> power wheelchair, Roho cushions, a fully adjustable hospital bed which I
>> have always needed, a rotating air mattress that I have found my body can't
>> go without (terrible autonomic dysreflexia if it's not working), my big
>> Desktop Computer that I keep so very active with with many programs on it,
>> my nice wheelchair conversion minivan, my German Shepherd support dog that
>> I want to train more, and a host of different things that I definitely need
>> for daily care.
>> So, I guess I will advertise in my local newspaper but maybe just for two
>> weeks to start but I need to know your opinion on me using the word
>> Quadriplegic or not. Factoring in that I have pain medications. Finding
>> trustworthy people in general is hard enough but to find someone new will
>> be dependent upon for your whole care...  :-(
>> Thank you!
>> ~Lori
>> --
>> “Petting, scratching, and cuddling a dog could be as soothing to the mind
>> and heart as deep meditation and almost as good for the soul as prayer.”
>> ― Dean Koontz

“Petting, scratching, and cuddling a dog could be as soothing to the mind
and heart as deep meditation and almost as good for the soul as prayer.” ― Dean

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