At 18:02 -0400 on 15/08/02, Jim Pendarvis wrote:

>had any problems, but what I would really like to know is could I have used
>the Zip 250?

This is from Compact Macs about a week ago...

At 00:29 +0100 11/08/02, Phil Beesley wrote:
>As many people have reported, the Iomega Zip 4.2 extension that works
>with System 6 and Zip 100 drives does not work with the Zip 250. A quick
>examination of the  extension showed me that the extension contains two
>occurrences of the string "Zip 100" (can't recall if it was lower or
>upper case). Don't ask for the file offsets -- I've mislaid the piece of
>paper but the string only occurs twice and can be found with a simple
>ASCII search. I changed the string "100" to read "250" and tried it on a
>IIci running System 7.1 (yes, I know it's not System 6 but the principal
>applies). The modified extension operated quite happily with both Zip
>100 and 250 HFS cartridges and I could read/write/format. The modified
>extension will only work with Zip 250 drives but wil work with both
>sizes of cartridge.
>I encountered problems with FAT (PC format) cartridges but I always have
>experienced difficulties with them -- for some time, I backed up web
>pages to FAT format cartridges and after a couple of years I  had no end
>of problems but fortunately no data lost. I no longer use FAT format Zip
>carts for long term data storage -- they are fine for short-term data
>exchange between PCs and Macs but I will not trust them for a backup.
>This is possibly a PC Exchange control panel problem with multiple
>copies of files with the same name but I don't have the evidence to
>point fingers definitively.
>If you have a Zip 250 and a System 6 Mac and fancy trying this, use your
>favourite binary editor (eg Norton Disk Editor) to modify a copy of the
>extension. The hack worked fine for me but without a lot more testing, I
>wouldn't recommend it for crucial data. Please let me know of your
>success or failure. Please don't forward this hack to others without
>including my warnings and reservations.


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