On 5/29/2015 2:55 AM, Paul Jakma wrote:
One of the key questions for me is whether the two approaches can live together.

I have scripts semi-hacked together to run Quagga daemons in different VRFs^Wnamespaces - I use a number as the namespace name, so it's like a VRF id. The script configures namespaces and launches daemons with a ZServ path-name with the VRF ID in the path. You can then 'telnet $DAEMON $(($DAEMON_BASE+$VRF*10))' or somesuch to access the ui. I havn't gotten setting of inter-networking between the VRFs nicely scripted yet.

Assuming that you are running VRF aware single-daemons what would prevent you from doing the exact same thing above?
 Just run the daemons in different VRFs, correct?

I can see some confusion in this approach if you start multiplexing daemons/VRFs. For example:
   daemon 1 runs in VRFs 1&2,
   daemon 2 runs in VRFs 3&4,
   daemon 3 runs in  VRFs 5&6,

but what about one daemon is allowed to have multiple VRFs and the other daemons run one daemon per VRF such that
  daemon 1 runs  in VRFs 1&2&3&4,
  daemon 2 runs in  VRF 5,
  daemon 3 runs in  VRF 6,

I'm not saying it should be done this way, but I'm trying to see if you can still do your "semi-hacked" approach if we have VRF-aware daemons, while still being able to run several VRFs in one of the daemons.


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