On Mon, 15 Jun 2015, Vincent JARDIN wrote:

 You're creating a new VRF_NODE and installing it under CONFIG_NODE, but
 not installing any commands to VRF_NODE - those are going into
 CONFIG_NODE instead. So this is basically using it as a place to hook a
 vrf config-write function into the CONFIG_NODE config-write function.

What's wrong with it?

Nothing of itself - there's other nodes that exist just for this. Presumably you were following that practice.

It just suggests that perhaps a cmd_node should allow for a list of config-writer callbacks directly, rather than having to define dummy cmd_nodes to hold additiona config-writers. :)

Paul Jakma      p...@jakma.org  @pjakma Key ID: 64A2FF6A
Keep your laws off my body!

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