All --

The meeting is tomorrow.  If you have a proposal for how you would like the
Patch submittal process to work, I would like to have it in an email format
before the meeting tomorrow.

Additionally if you would like to attend, please send me a email and I'll
add you to the list of invites.



On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 11:45 AM, Donald Sharp <>

> Golden Rule applies to everything we do.
> A person who Submit’s code cannot be the person who commits it into
> quagga.  Assume that this can be worked out amongst the maintainers.
> A maintainer can Ack or Nack code he plans to commit.
> Proposal for going forward:
>    1. Patch Submitted
>    2. If Acked goes in immediately to a development branch, by current
>    maintainer.
>    3. If no-one says anything after 2 weeks, immediately get’s put into a
>    development branch by current maintainer.
>    4. If Nacked, dissenter and submitter must publicly work the issue
>    out, and going back to step 1 after working issue out.
>    5. If after 2 weeks, from Submittal, dissenter and submitter cannot
>    figure the problem out either Dissenter or Submitter can ask for agenda
>    item to be added to next monthly meeting.  If disagreement is large enough
>    a special meeting can be asked for as well.
> Format for Resolution during Meeting:
>    1. Discussion on alias( See #4 ) must be sufficient for Meeting to
>    resolve the issue.  Meeting attendees are within their rights to say we
>    can’t make a decision from fact’s presented at the meeting.
>    2. Simple Majority of those attending meeting is required for
>    decision.  If you can’t be bothered to attend then the decision wasn’t
>    important to you.
>    3. Scheduling of a special meeting details must be worked out publicly
>    on quagga-dev alias.
> Please discuss this on alias, and we'll finalize in a meeting for 11 am
> EDT next tuesday.  If you are interested in attending please let me know.
> I'm auto inviting everyone currently on the quagga-dev monthly meeting.
> donald
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