On Mon, 27 Jun 2016, Martin Winter wrote:

You really seem to be unwilling to move from your positions and rather
break the community in 2 (or more parts).

Is that really corerct? The prime difference is ignoring comments and voting through backlogs - I gather not everyone on the 'document' side agrees with that either. Indeed, I'm not sure they knew that was a motivating factor.

My position is that we should try fix things using our technical skills as much as possible - that's where our strenths lie.

So the backlog, I think the best way to fix that is to just work through it. Good chunk of it is ready to go in. Couple bits more just depend on fixing small nits, or just relatively easy tweaks. Some more bits I definitely think need to be derailed to a possibly longer discussion.

For the ongoing development, that was looking like it was getting under control late last year - we'd caught up and were keeping up! I don't see how conflating a whole bunch of things together, inc. trying to sneak in _major_ constitutional changes to avoid having to address the backlog issues, is a productive way to find further improvements.

A number of people on this document actually seem _agreed_ that it shouldn't be acceptable to ignore comments. In which case, why is it so important to be able to bring in majority voting to override my comments?

So two options:

1. If you want to constitutionaly change things, so that branches can be
   voted through, regardless of nits and technical comments, then I
   don't think I can agree to that.

   I don't think I'm being unreasonable in holding firm on that, given
   that Lou seemed to agree voting proposals just to work around
   outstanding comments was wrong, and Jafar also seemed to indicate
   reviews should be honoured.

2. Let's all get back to focusing on the technicalities as much as

   I think it's more than possible to get Cumulus' backlog sorted out,
   and I'm _very willing_ to help with that. I do actually _want_ to
   help them get stuf integrated! However, it should be possible to have
   back and forth on nits and bigger issues; and it should be
   accepted that not /every/ patch always deserves can go in (mine

   As for any issue of their internal development still being faster. We
   don't quite know yet, cause we havn't yet had a round where we didn't
   have their backlog. It also could be Cumulus could change aspects of
   their internal devel to help (which may not be possible until the
   backlog is largely cleared, of course).

I vote for the second one. Let's get the backlog done and dusted - the bulk of it we can get done really soon I think. Let's get back to the _fun_ stuff (discussing link-detect defaults ;) ), and get it all rolling along again.

Paul Jakma | p...@jakma.org | @pjakma | Key ID: 0xD86BF79464A2FF6A
What this country needs is a dime that will buy a good five-cent bagel.

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