On Thu, 12 Jan 2017, Martin Winter wrote:

So basically Transparency and Clarification:

1) Would be good for people to know that they can’t come to me anymore
   for Quagga Security Issues.

So, I didn't raise it at the time for various reasons (I perhaps hadn't lost all hope of averting a fork; or at least staying friendly - before the manager call), but that wasn't really appropriate, was it?

1. Why did you think it appropriate to go to Debian on behalf of Quagga
   (as seems to have been the case), when you knew that I knew you are
   organising a fork?

   You surely should have known you had a clear conflict of interest,
   and just reported the security issue to me? I could still have

2. Why do other people think you are the person to go to for Quagga
   security issues?

   How did that come about? What have you been telling people? Arg.

BTW, I also had the impression you were playing games with me/Quagga on that security bug - related to your fork.

I think this is now clear, but there are others who got removed too. Would be good to know who is still on the list so I can redirect questions.

You _know_ who to direct questions to. Why are you even getting questions to begin with? What are you telling people elsewhere?

I've noticed elsewhere that people seem to think NetDEF == Quagga. What have you been telling people at conferences?

(BTW: Email to list doesn’t work - it’s seems to all end up on waiting for a moderator approval. You should fix this for a list to report security issues)

I am the moderator. I get the moderator requests, so I see the emails before they're approved.

There's a huge spam load. I'd rather have it unmoderated, and let the subscriber's spam filters do the work, but some don't like that.

That wider security list turns out not to have been quite right anyway. There should be one list for the few who can help with "do the analysis/fix", and another for 'announce'.

A lot of the subscriber requests seem to be more appropriate for 'announce'. That should become just a public, low-trafic list.

Paul Jakma | p...@jakma.org | @pjakma | Key ID: 0xD86BF79464A2FF6A
Nature always sides with the hidden flaw.
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