
Thank you William, but I can not understand your email at all!

Here is the content of my AS which I want announce the routers received from its customer:

AS 9 is AS 7's customer and AS 4 is AS 7's provider:

!neighbor 9
neighbor        remote-as 9
neighbor        port 20028
neighbor        update-source
!customer (full routes)
neighbor        route-map RMAP_CUSTFULL_IN in
neighbor        route-map RMAP_CUSTFULL_OUT out

!community values:
!  customer    : 100:30
!  non-customer: 100:20

!localpref values:
!  customer: 30
!  peer    : 20
!  provider: 10

!Route attributes for locally originated prefixes
!community values: 200:<numeric-attr>

route-map RMAP_PROV_IN permit 10
  set community additive 100:20
  set local-preference 10
route-map RMAP_NONCUST_OUT deny 10
  match community NONCUST
route-map RMAP_NONCUST_OUT permit 20
  match community CUST

! should never reach this actually
route-map RMAP_NONCUST_OUT permit 30

route-map RMAP_CUSTFULL_IN permit 10
  set community additive 100:30
  set local-preference 30

route-map RMAP_CUSTFULL_OUT permit 10

ip community-list standard CUST permit 100:30
ip community-list standard NONCUST permit 100:20
ip community-list standard NONLOCAL permit 100:20
ip community-list standard NONLOCAL permit 100:30

But it does not work. AS 7 receives update message from AS 9, but it does not announce that to AS4!!


On 2018-01-19 16:28, William Herrin wrote:
On Fri, Jan 19, 2018 at 12:32 PM, shahrooz <shahr...@cs.umass.edu> wrote:
The problem is that I do not know how I can define customer and provider relation ship in quagga bgp conf files. I confused by route-map description. If some can define just one simple customer provider relationship between
just two nodes, I will be so appreciated.

Another router of yours which is not a customer or provider is the
same AS number.

A customer or provider is a different AS number.

BCP 38, you reject any routes not expected from the customer in the
prefix-list applied to the customer via a route map,

You also limit the routes offered to the provider to just yours and
the customers' using a prefix-list applied to the provider via a route


William Herrin ................ her...@dirtside.com  b...@herrin.us
Dirtside Systems ......... Web: <http://www.dirtside.com/>
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