Forgot to say - I'll have a number of leftover bits which I'll bring
to Stoneleigh. These are from a Mk2 Fiesta, XR2 (not XR2i).

Les has dibs on the fusebox and as much wire as remains - I've had to
cut a number of connectors out and to be honest it's a mess - the
original builder was not, shall we say, not too clued up on

I'm sure someone's mentioned they'd like the radiator and fan, too,
but I can't recall who - was it perhaps Dave the Sub?

Then there are a number of odd bits and bobs - various pipes, a couple
of instrument panels, gearstick gaitor and the metal bit that fits
under it, indicator and light switches, and suchlike.

I'm assuming that the club will have the big tent up? If there are no
objections, I'll bring the bits along on the Sunday and leave them
there for anyone who wants them FOC. Anything which helps someone to
get theirs fixed or complete...


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