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On Tue, Dec 20, 2016 at 04:04:20PM -0500, Nicklaus McClendon wrote:
> Currently, there are multiple ways manpages are generated and handled
> for Qubes tooling, listed below are repositories that likely should
> have manpages (primarily command line tools)
> qubes-app-linux-img-converter: native in same package, in root of
> repository
> qubes-app-linux-pdf-converter: none
> qubes-app-linux-split-gpg: none
> qubes-core-admin: pandoc (rst) and separate docs package, in doc
> folder in repo
> qubes-core-admin-linux: pandoc (rst) in same package, in doc folder in
> repo
> qubes-core-qubesdb: none
> qubes-mgmt-salt: none
> Standardizing manpages and how they should be generated would allow
> new users to more easily contribute, new packages to be more easily
> on-boarded, and new distros to more easily package Qubes tools. I
> propose that each package have a separate docs package, generated from
> pandoc, with the source having restructured text in the doc folder in
> each repo.

I think separate doc package for man pages was a mistake. But other than
that I agree.

> As somewhat an aside, it might also be worth adding a README to each
> repo with a brief explanation of what the repository is for, again to
> easy the process of on-boarding new user.
> kulinacs <nickl...@kulinacs.com>

- -- 
Best Regards,
Marek Marczykowski-Górecki
Invisible Things Lab
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
Version: GnuPG v2


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