Drew White:
> There are many that will cause issues and just happen with no reason except 
> for bad coding/vision at some point that is causing them to break.
> I have all the code, but I don't know C.

Wow.  So Drew doesn't know the language the code is written in, but is
*confident* that the problems are due to "bad coding/vision" rather
than, say, the fact that Windows API's are insanely complex and have
near-useless documentation?  (Marek has pointed out that issue multiple
times, and I can confirm that it's true for the limited set of Windows
API's that I've had the misfortune of having to reverse-engineer).

Congrats Drew, I'm finally taking the time to reroute all incoming
messages from drew.qu...@gmail.com to /dev/null.

@Marek and the other Qubes devs -- sorry you have to put up with people
like him.  Your work is very much appreciated by the vast majority of
Qubes users.  Keep on doing what you're doing!

-Jeremy Rand

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