Hi All,

I have been experimenting with using salt to configure a full Qubes system with 
standalone vms running docker for development and automated setup of a kali 
template based off of the debian template based on the procedure in the docs.

In my trials (mostly wins) I have found a few issues and also just missing 
parts that make management difficult.

After I finish a run (or two) of "qubesctl --all state.highstate" using my 
qubes salt configuration (https://github.com/Nekroze/qubes-salt) I can no 
longer update dom0 or send files from one VM to another (other then from dom0 
out to a vm) as I just get the error:

  Data vchan connection failed

I have not been able to find any information on common causes for this error, 
the best I can find while searching is the source code that prints the error. 
I've tried disabling a bunch of the tops to reduce what is changing but it just 
keeps happening. This is the 4th time I have re-installed qubes 3.2-rc2 because 
of this error when trying to use salt. I am unsure as to what information is 
required for this kind of error hence reporting here before I start an issue on 
github, any advice on logs to provide or steps to try would be welcome.

There are also a handful of other problems smaller problems I have encountered 
while trying to configure everything I need with salt. For example the 
fedora-23-minimal templates are unmanageable via salt, all of the internal VM 
salt configuration just doesn't work on on them from my experiments.

Additionally it seems that package management control over dom0 fails when 
sys-whonix is the updateVM, this forces all salt updates over sys-firewall for 
setup and it seems updating Whonix templates this way presents an error (that 
they are not running with a whonix-gw based netVM) as they are included in 
states that affect all templates.

Sadly due to the previously mentioned vchan issue I am unable to grab the exact 
error message at the moment but I will try and get it later today when I might 
have time to do another re-install.

Its great when everything goes well but when there is an issue there is no 
summary from the VM's configuration changes like dom0 has. At best it would be 
nice to see things like the versions that changed in the VM's when an update 
works, but when something goes wrong, not having this means I have to step 
through the procedure to find out what failed which means I have to do it 
manually anyways. This seems to happen even when qubesctl says the vm was OK 
but I find the a package was not installed at all and must have errored, again 
doing it manually I was able to see the error and resolve a trivial cache issue 
preventing the install.

When using the qvm.create state, it is clear from using Qubes for a bit that it 
maps to the similarly named cli tool however preferences specified in the 
qvm.create state, being only run if the vm exists at all, require secondary 
qvm.prefs of the same or similar preferences to ensure that those states remain 
the same. From my understanding part of configuration management like this is 
not just to provision but to ensure the configuration conforms to the state 
specifications, this just feels very clumsy to have to do twice, perhaps 
templating can help here but I am just starting the make a dent in learning how 
to use templating for salt.

There are some aspects of configuring the dom0 experience in Qubes that does 
not seem to be possible from salt. For example there is no way to specify which 
applications are available in the menu for an appVM, From what I can see no way 
to toggle the dynamic memory management switch from salt, nor a way to add 
firewall rules to the Qubes manager firewall list via states. There are great 
tools for provisioning the cluster of VM's but it doesn't tie into the user 
experience for Qubes requiring more manual configuration.

I would like to formalize these into issues on GitHub but just wanted to 
discuss if there was more information I need or some issues are already 
resolved in the next version. I am unsure as to which way I should split these 
into issues if at all and would appreciate any advice.

All in all though, the salt stuff is great when it works but the missing or 
broken parts make it hard to justify at present. My apologies for the long post.

Thank you for your time,
Taylor Lawson

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