> On 08/23/2016 07:25 PM, Chris Laprise wrote:
>> What threat model does this fit? If a skilled attacker tricks you into
>> thinking you created an account at sigaint, but you later cannot use
>> it... what is the advantage of that? The possible gain seems to be
>> little or nothing.
> Well, (s)he has changed all its passwords. Tricking someone into
> changing all passwords has been done before.

Indeed.  Psyhchological harassment can often by the goal, not necessarily
theft of credentials.  (There's nothing left to take, in my case, lol.)

And when I said I had a psycho ex, I truly meant that she has truly shown
all the signs of being a textbook psychopath or sociopath, and invested
heavily in having me harassed online.  (I don't think she's a genius
hacker herself, lol.)

When you're dealing with a psycho/socio-path, logical and rationality
doesn't always factor into things, which can be hard to get your head
around at times.  Sheer destruction can be the goal (in her case, a stated

That being said, I can believe that the recent password weirdness was
probably PayPal anti-fraud mechanisms being careful (or confused) with
Tor.  (I'd say it could also be someone trying to grab all credentials
from a dodgy exit node, but the fact I saw the SSL lock/certificate and
the real PayPal URL makes me doubtful, unless the browser was compromised
and lying.)

Part of the leverage of psychological harassment is that you start seeing
unrelated screwups as part of the harassment.  It's good to be careful to
try and separate the two.  Not always easy.

Cheers.  :)


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