Andrew David Wong:
> If this is Qubes-related at all, it sounds like a hardware
> compatibility issue, so qubes-users is the right place.

Great thank you.

> Do you have any other USB drives that you can try instead in order to
> help determine whether the problem is the drive itself?

I have USB sticks of the 8-16GB capacity type. This drive that I'm
having issues with is a platter harddrive type.

> Is it possible that the problem is trying to format with vfat instead
> of a different filesystem? (How large is the drive?)

Yes it is possible that the problem is vfat. Do you have any suggestions
of pages for me to read in order to understand the types? Or alternative

I'm trying to have it be usable in Windows and Linux, though I probably
will never connect it to Windows.

The drive that I'm having problems with is 1.8TB.

Thank you.

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