Does anyone use a dedicated Tor router..?

The theory is, Tor is secure, but Firefox is not.

Therefore, you have 1 computer that runs Tor only, and a WiFi hotspot... 
Another computer runs Firefox and any other programs.

So long as the other computer connects to the Tor computer for network access, 
it doesn't matter if it gets hacked, because your real IP address never leaks.

Qubes implements this somewhat by separating the Whonix Net VM and App VM. 

However, the problem with Qubes, of course, is all the Xen exploits which make 
it insecure.

If you were hacked in Qubes, the hacker could easily then leak out your real IP 

But if you were hacked behind a physical Tor box, your real IP can never leak, 
unless the Tor box itself can be compromised... And as far as we know, there 
are no exploits for the Tor network itself, only for Firefox.

I would use Qubes for the Tor box and the other box, if only for the VT-D 
protection, although maybe there are other free Linux OSs that have VT-D 

What do you think...? Has anyone tried doing this..? How did it work out...?

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