On Friday, September 9, 2016 at 4:03:46 PM UTC, neilh...@gmail.com wrote:
> The big fear is that a hacked workstation could then be hacked to pick up 
> WiFi hotspots in the area.
> I just thought though... maybe use an all-wired network.
> You would have a wire from Router => Tor router => Workstation
> If it's all wired, then surely the workstation can never see the regular 
> Router, or in fact, any routers at all.
> So what do people think..? Could an all-wired solution solve this problem..?


(Unsupported but it worked fine under Whonix 12 - haven't tested Whonix 13)

>>They will have a database of every house in the country (and world?) and the 
>>name and addresses of every router... Therefore, they just hack in, and 
>>figure out who you are by which router is the core router.

Or they just use the compromised Workstation to connect to the neighbor's 
xfinitywifi hotspot and look up the address. Wireless networking opens up a 
whole new set of risks.

>> So long as the other computer connects to the Tor computer for network 
>> access, it doesn't matter if it gets hacked, because your real IP address 
>> never leaks.

Joanna's paper will interest you:

AFAIK, there haven't been any attempts to have a Tor Gateway in one Qubes 
machine acting as a router for Workstations in a second Qubes machine.

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