Am Freitag, 16. September 2016 20:11:48 UTC+2 schrieb Chris Laprise:
> On 09/16/2016 09:58 AM, wrote:
> > Am Freitag, 16. September 2016 09:52:40 UTC+2 schrieb Drew White:
> >> If they can get access, whether encrypted or not, it means it's insecure.
> >>
> >> Encryption just takes time to break.
> >>
> >> If you have encrypted files, encrypted with a STRONG password THEN a 2048 
> >> bit cypher, THEN it will probably take about 6 months to decypher it and 
> >> get the data out.
> > I think you need to educate yourself a bit on the topic of encryption. 
> > Encryption is secure if you use it correctly. Too secure actually, it's 
> > much more straightforward to simply torture the information out of 
> > someone...
> >
> > And unless there is a backdoor in AES-256 (which why ideally you would 
> > always use a combination of several ciphers), it is technically and 
> > theoretically unbreakable if you used a 256-bit random key. It's much more 
> > likely that someone will social engineer his way to the data. Matters are 
> > entirely different with current public key algorithms, which may very well 
> > be broken via quantum computers, so I wouldn't bet my money on that 
> > horse... On the other hand those are not the algorithms you use for backup 
> > anyway.
> Ssh may add some security against things like MITM attacks, but you have 
> to trust who you're connecting to as well. From a Qubes standpoint it 
> matters because the non-crypto parts add a bit more complexity, and 
> adding rsync adds substantially more. SSHFS is probably more complex and 
> attackable than both of those together. That, along with TCP/IP itself, 
> is attack surface.
> The way you're describing it makes it seem like any successful attack on 
> one of those components in the dropbox vm could be repeated against the 
> encfs vm. I think most Qubes users would consider that too risky for 
> handling sensitive info, or interfacing with highly trusted vms. It also 
> means you need to keep extra copies on your drive.
> What I described involves no extra copies, and if the dropbox vm becomes 
> compromised then there is very little it can do to attack your other vms 
> that are using the data. Ssh between the dropbox vm and dropbox is still 
> a good idea in this case, and you might even want to use SSHFS or 
> whatever else would allow you to map disk images in that vm. The dropbox 
> vm could be considered 'red' and your client vms (which encrypt and use 
> the data as mounted disk image) could be 'blue' or whatever. I think 
> this is worth a try because its more secure and probably less complex 
> than what you're suggesting.
> Of course, with Qubes its up to the user to weigh the risks and make the 
> decicions. Good luck...
> Chris

I don't disagree with you...

But your approach has several usability downsides. Although I am reconsidering 
this, since in the end I might be able to live with a "once per hour" dropbox 
sync which would open many doors for options like the ones you described.

Thanks :) I will think about it and try it out.

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