it's a stupid mess. People don't deal with it.

It would be nice if there was a specification, other than a shitty vulnerable 
USB, that would allow the plugging in of a key that stored a GPG private key. 
That way even your grandma could automagically sign an authentication token. 
Such a key-fob would have it's own hardware - to receive requests and possibly 
basic PIN authentication; or even fingerprint - if it was completely isolated 
(as in never leaves the device); the authentication module would be on the 
device itself and not through the OS. The idea is that the device itself 
functions like a removable TPM chip.

Although I personally don't trust hardware that stores fingerprint data - it is 
feasible for this method to be implemented rather securely and openly (as in 

In the meantime, I intend soon to make a firefox addon or plugin that stores a 
salt and domain in the firefox sync database. combine that with a standard 
manually inputted password to create an HMAC; which can be then be encoded with 
ASCII values from a lookup table. The result would be a completely random 
password for every domain. To change the generated pass you would change the 
salt. The salt is stored in firefox sync but your password is not.

I won't get to implement this until I finish UNI in a couple of years. Until 
then I'm stuck with what I have.

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