On Monday, October 3, 2016 at 7:48:56 AM UTC-4, pixel fairy wrote:
> passphrase: long, like 15+ words. used for encryption, does not change often
> password: short, like 3-5 words. used for login/access, changes more often
> passphrases per client device (laptop etc)
> bios/firmware
> disk encryption
> other passphrases
> backups
> keepass
> passwords per client device
> login/screen saver
> other passwords
> anything you want to access without your laptop
> so if you have two laptops, two backup disks, and 1 online account that you 
> keep backups on, you'll need to remember 8 passphrases and 3 passwords. that 
> 2xbios, 2xdisk, 2xbackupdisk, 1online-backupimage, 1keepass database and 
> 2xlogin, 1account for online backups, since you might be restoring when thats 
> the only thing left. even if you use the same one for all backups, your still 
> looking at 6 passphrases. this is a simplified example compared to most of us.
> how do you deal with this? how do you train users to deal with this?

I use acronymns to help remember the long disk encryption passwd and long 
master keepassx.  I don't memorize anything else and change my passwds every 90 
days.   I use a short easy to remember passwords for bios,  and qubes login 
user, since I don't consider them as important. 

I tell my family to also write down their main passwords in a safe place at 
home. I feel if someone is worried about people breaking in, like an episode of 
mr. robot, then there is more important things they should be worried about,  
like cameras and mics and other devices hidden in walls, desks and ceilings, or 
BIOS malware lol  AEM helps to detect if machine was tampered with. 

For someone that travels alot  with alot of diff devices  I
 guess you can remember one device encryption passwd, and load the usb stick 
you wear around your neck  on it to get the passwds for the other devices in 
keepassx?  I wouldn't bother memorizing the passwds for the 2 backup disks and 
online backup account.  If you can thats great.  again acronymns help.  I have 
a laptop with a long encryption i made for my 7 year old niece.  It looks like 
nonsense 14 characters (letters numbers specials diff cases) but its actually a 
whole saying from a children's book and easy to remember. 

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