
I use Qubes 3.2 (recent, default installation) with anti-evil-maid on HP
ProBook 6470b.

Anti-evil-maid is installed to HD /boot per instructions, TPM is
protected by a password, and I use a "secret" image instead of text.

So far everything seemed to work.

However this morning I had a Xen upgrade in dom0, and, as documented, I
was expecting it to break my AEM secret image display at next reboot.

So after upgrading Xen in dom0 I rebooted the system and... nothing
special hapenned. AEM displayed my "secret" image as usual, without any
unusual behaviour or warning whatsoever.

So I wonder : Is AEM actually working on my system ?

Any clue appreciated.


Kind regards.

Swâmi Petaramesh <sw...@petaramesh.org> PGP 9076E32E

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