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On Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 12:38:48PM -0500, Zbigniew Łukasiak wrote:
> I am getting an error message when trying to restore a VM backup:
> "unable to extract the qubes backup. Check the extracting process errors."
> Where should I look for the extracting process error log?
> I don't see anything relevant in /var/log - but maybe I missed something.

If you launched the backup from Qubes Manager, check ~/.xsession-errors.

> More info:
> I made a bacup using the 'System' -> 'Bacup VMs' menu entry in the
> Qubes VM Manager and then I tried to restore it with the 'System' ->
> 'Restore VMs from backup' menu entry. I tried both just veryfying the
> integrity and restoring it entirely - with the same result.
> My root filesystem if full - and I noticed that the backup
> verification process tried to write to /var/tmp . This was failing -
> so I tried symlinking that directory to another filesystem and
> mounting another partition over it. This worked at the start and it
> did create a 'restore_*****' directory with some files in /var/tmp -
> but then failed with the message I described above. I would like to
> look into the error message - to understand what is failing.

Out of disk space is most likely the reason. But if it isn't the case
after symlinking /var/tmp, check messages in ~/.xsession-errors. If
still nothing interesting, you can launch restoring (or verification)
from command line (qvm-backup-restore), with --debug switch.

- -- 
Best Regards,
Marek Marczykowski-Górecki
Invisible Things Lab
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
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