Ok - I tried the command line version - the output is below. The same
error I see in ~/.xsession-errors. It looks to work correctly with the
symlinked tmp - but still fails somehow - maybe the archive is

I tried to re-make the bacup from commandline, and this reports
"qvm-backup: export error: [Errno 28] No space left on device" - even
though I have enough space on both the /home and the /var/tmp
partitions. See below for details - I mounted quite a big partition on
/var/tmp. Maybe it somehow still uses the root partition. I did not
see that error when running backup from Qubes Manager - but maybe the
problem was still there and it was corrupting the backup.

[zby@dom0 ~]$ qvm-backup-restore qubes-2017-02-22T111605 --verify-only --debug
Please enter the passphrase to verify and (if encrypted) decrypt the backup:
Checking backup content...
Working in temporary dir:/var/tmp/restore_RxbZ1b
Extracting data: 1.0 MiB to restore
Run command[u'tar', u'-ixvf', 'qubes-2017-02-22T111605', u'-C',
u'/var/tmp/restore_RxbZ1b', u'backup-header', u'backup-header.hmac',
u'qubes.xml.000', u'qubes.xml.000.hmac']
Got backup header and hmac: backup-header, backup-header.hmac
Verifying file /var/tmp/restore_RxbZ1b/backup-header
Loading hmac for file /var/tmp/restore_RxbZ1b/backup-header
File verification OK -> Sending file /var/tmp/restore_RxbZ1b/backup-header
Creating pipe in: /var/tmp/restore_RxbZ1b/restore_pipe
Getting new file:qubes.xml.000
Getting hmac:qubes.xml.000.hmac
Verifying file /var/tmp/restore_RxbZ1b/qubes.xml.000
Started sending thread
Moving to dir /var/tmp/restore_RxbZ1b
Loading hmac for file /var/tmp/restore_RxbZ1b/qubes.xml.000
File verification OK -> Sending file /var/tmp/restore_RxbZ1b/qubes.xml.000
Getting new file:
Waiting for the extraction process to finish...Extracting file

Running command [u'tar', u'-xkv',
Removing file /var/tmp/restore_RxbZ1b/qubes.xml.000
ERROR: unable to extract files for
/var/tmp/restore_RxbZ1b/qubes.xml.000.(u'', u'tar:
../../../../var/tmp/restore_RxbZ1b/qubes.xml: Not found in
archive\n\ntar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors\n')
Tar command output: %s
Process ExtractWorker3-1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/multiprocessing/process.py", line 258, in
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/qubes/backup.py", line 931, in run
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/qubes/backup.py", line
1251, in __run__
QubesException: unable to extract files for
/var/tmp/restore_RxbZ1b/qubes.xml.000.(u'', u'tar:
../../../../var/tmp/restore_RxbZ1b/qubes.xml: Not found in
archive\n\ntar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors\n')
Tar command output: %s
Extraction process finished with code:1
ERROR: unable to extract the qubes backup. Check extracting process errors.


[zby@dom0 ~]$ df
Filesystem     1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
devtmpfs         2002988         0   2002988   0% /dev
tmpfs            2014408    308256   1706152  16% /dev/shm
tmpfs            2014408      1316   2013092   1% /run
tmpfs            2014408         0   2014408   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/dm-1       95989516  92623640         0 100% /
tmpfs            2014408        52   2014356   1% /tmp
xenstore         2014408       240   2014168   1% /var/lib/xenstored
/dev/sda11       1889292    184884   1590388  11% /boot
/dev/dm-3      288243040  67263564 206314468  25% /home
tmpfs             402884         0    402884   0% /run/user/991
tmpfs             402884         8    402876   1% /run/user/1000
/dev/sda7      272256456 167991052  90412476  66% /home/zby/tmp

[zby@dom0 ~]$ qvm-backup -x dom0 -x untrusted -x anon-whonix -x vault
-x personal -x work -x sys-net -x sys-firewall -x sys-whonix back -x
python-anaconda --debug
               VM |         type |         size |
            myovm |        AppVM |      5.0 GiB |
        my-new-vm |        AppVM |      9.8 GiB | <-- The VM is
running, please shut it down before proceeding with the backup!
             exch |        AppVM |    316.0 MiB | <-- The VM is
running, please shut it down before proceeding with the backup!
qvm-backup: export error: [Errno 28] No space left on device
      Total size: |                    15.1 GiB |
VMs not selected for backup:
ERROR: Please shutdown all VMs before proceeding.

On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 3:42 AM, Marek Marczykowski-Górecki
<marma...@invisiblethingslab.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA256
> On Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 12:38:48PM -0500, Zbigniew Łukasiak wrote:
>> I am getting an error message when trying to restore a VM backup:
>> "unable to extract the qubes backup. Check the extracting process errors."
>> Where should I look for the extracting process error log?
>> I don't see anything relevant in /var/log - but maybe I missed something.
> If you launched the backup from Qubes Manager, check ~/.xsession-errors.
>> More info:
>> I made a bacup using the 'System' -> 'Bacup VMs' menu entry in the
>> Qubes VM Manager and then I tried to restore it with the 'System' ->
>> 'Restore VMs from backup' menu entry. I tried both just veryfying the
>> integrity and restoring it entirely - with the same result.
>> My root filesystem if full - and I noticed that the backup
>> verification process tried to write to /var/tmp . This was failing -
>> so I tried symlinking that directory to another filesystem and
>> mounting another partition over it. This worked at the start and it
>> did create a 'restore_*****' directory with some files in /var/tmp -
>> but then failed with the message I described above. I would like to
>> look into the error message - to understand what is failing.
> Out of disk space is most likely the reason. But if it isn't the case
> after symlinking /var/tmp, check messages in ~/.xsession-errors. If
> still nothing interesting, you can launch restoring (or verification)
> from command line (qvm-backup-restore), with --debug switch.
> - --
> Best Regards,
> Marek Marczykowski-Górecki
> Invisible Things Lab
> A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
> Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
> Version: GnuPG v2
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> =pEg5

Zbigniew Lukasiak

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