On Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 11:02 PM, sm8ax1 <sm8...@vfemail.net> wrote:
> Thanks for this. I've used i3 on other OSes and I like it a lot. I
> probably won't use it on Qubes however because of an issue that I'll
> note here since it may or may not affect other users.
> In i3 it is rather difficult to control the size of a window with fine
> granularity, and in particular it is very difficult to restore the exact
> size a window would have been created with. This is a problem for users
> of Tor Browser, because websites and exit nodes can query the browser
> window's size even when you have JavaScript disabled. This makes you an
> easy fingerprinting target.
> If anyone knows of any workarounds for this, perhaps forcing certain
> kinds of windows to be created in floating mode and keep their original
> size, please share them.

You'd have to experiment with whether it keeps the windows their original
size, but you can force windows to start in floating mode in .i3/config:

A line similar to:

for_window [class="anon-whonix:[.]*"] floating enable

Should make all windows from the anon-whonix VM float by default, although
I haven't tested this.


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