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On 2017-05-16 01:24, cooloutac wrote:
> On Sunday, May 14, 2017 at 11:09:25 PM UTC-4, Andrew David Wong
> wrote: On 2017-05-14 21:38, cooloutac wrote:
>>>> On Sunday, May 14, 2017 at 3:48:04 PM UTC-4, Andrew David
>>>> Wong wrote:
>>>> What do you mean? Are you suggesting that qvm-backup has
>>>> "more attack vector" than an encrypted KeePassX (or whatever)
>>>> database? Why? No, I think it's actually the opposite. An
>>>> attacker could feed you a malformed database file, which you
>>>> believe is your authentic database file. If it's not
>>>> authenticated, you won't be able to tell. When you try to
>>>> decrypt and open it with KeePassX, it could try to compromise
>>>> KeePassX. qvm-backup is designed to protect against this
>>>> class of attack. I'm not sure what you mean. If an attacker
>>>> has a copy of your encrypted database and subsequently gets
>>>> the key/passphrase to that database, she can then decrypt
>>>> the database regardless of what you subsequently do.
>>>> Are you saying that you would render the contents of the
>>>> database worthless by changing every password stored in that
>>>> database? How would you know to do this? Are you assuming
>>>> that you'll somehow know the instant your database has been
>>>> compromised? What if the attacker changes some or all of your
>>>> passwords before you do? What if you have persistent
>>>> passwords (e.g., not for online accounts) that can't be
>>>> rendered useless in this way?
>>>> Well if they can do that to one file,  couldn't they do that
>>>> to alot more others if backing up the whole vm? I would think
>>>> one file is alot easier to check. Since that whole vaultvm is
>>>> only dedicated to that one file for me anyways, and I don't
>>>> have custom configs or scripts in it.
> No. With qvm-backup-restore, the entire backup blob is checked for 
> integrity and authenticity. That check will fail if any bit in the 
> blob has changed. Since the blob is encrypted, an attacker won't
> be able to tell what individual files are in it, unless you divulge
> that information in some other way.
>>>> One cool thing I saw about paranoid mode is it take into
>>>> account things in user directories that are not even user
>>>> data to begin with.  so ya I back up other vms that way
>>>> especially templates, and especially vms with custom configs.
>>>> or vms with just alot of data in alot of diff folders out of
>>>> convenience.
>>>> But for the vault I just do the single file.
>>>> And so say if the database file is malware,  what do you mean
>>>> by qvm-backup would prevent it?
> Suppose you take your encrypted database file and store it
> somewhere (e.g., cloud storage, HDD in a safe deposit box). Suppose
> that an attacker secretly replaces that file with a malicious one
> without your knowledge. The next time you decrypt that database
> file, it silently compromises your client or VM and leaks your
> passphrases through side channels or does other nasty things.
> If you had instead backed up the entire VM with qvm-backup, you
> would immediately know, upon trying to restore from the backup,
> that it was not the same trusted file that you had originally
> created, since Qubes would inform you that the integrity and
> authenticity check had failed when you entered your passphrase.
> Now, if your password manager also uses authenticated encryption
> for its database files, then that's fine, but as far as I know,
> most don't.
>>>> And yes "rendering it useless by changing every password".
>>>> We are talking of the times you suspect it, have a hunch, if
>>>> you think you can never tell when you are compromised then
>>>> what else is there to go on?
> There's nothing wrong with acting on a hunch. In some cases, it may
> be obvious that a VM or whole system has been compromised, but
> there's no way to know for certain that a VM or whole system has
> *not* been compromised.
>>>> and what else can be done?
> Use Qubes OS. Compartmentalize. Use Paranoid Mode. :)
> So you are saying qvm-backup will know if an attacker has switched
> up the backup file, which is well and good. But I'm assuming the vm
> or file is already compromised before backing it up in the first
> place.

Oh, that's a quite a different scenario from what I had in mind, then.

> Also apparently qvm-backup has not taken every file into account or
> there would be no need for paranoid mode.

I think you might be misunderstanding Paranoid Mode. VMs that you
restore using Paranoid Mode may (still) be compromised.

> I still believe having to only verify the integrity of a single
> file is better then  a whole vm.

Well, the backup is itself a single file.

> Although this discussion makes me think maybe when loading the
> possibly compromised keepassx file I should load it in a disposable
> just to get the passwords, but not open it in the new vault vm I'm
> going to create.  But then I uess I als can't copy and paste what
> to do about passwords 100 characters long? lol

- -- 
Andrew David Wong (Axon)
Community Manager, Qubes OS


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